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- 05/07/2024 - Pubblicato su "Terra è Vita" articolo di Morgante, Pezzotti e Salvi sulla sperimentazione di piante TEA
- 26/06/2024 - Su Science e sul periodico dell'Accademia dei Georgofili prese di posizione sull'atto vandalico che ha distrutto la sperimentazione sul riso TEA
Initiative fof Science in Europe
The EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) discussion is going to reach its final steps soon. There is a meeting of the EU Council on February 20, where they will try to reach an agreement. News from many Member States hint that the contribution will shrink to 1% of their GNI (Gross National Income), way below the 1.07% proposed by Finnish presidency in December, and even further away from the 1,11% proposed by the Parliament.
This decision will have a major impact on the budget for Horizon Europe, and may well bring it down to 75Bn EUR, approximately 20% less than expected after the Finnish presidency proposal. Therefore, to avoid that such scenario comes true, it is very important for researchers to act swiftly and strongly.
Initiative-se.eu is a campaign to advocate for a higher budget by putting pressure on national governments: please join us by visiting the website of the Initiative for Science in Europe https://initiative-se.eu .
(Comunicato dalla Prof.ssa Laura Rossini - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia - Università degli Studi di Milano)