- 05/07/2024 - Pubblicato su "Terra è Vita" articolo di Morgante, Pezzotti e Salvi sulla sperimentazione di piante TEA
- 26/06/2024 - Su Science e sul periodico dell'Accademia dei Georgofili prese di posizione sull'atto vandalico che ha distrutto la sperimentazione sul riso TEA
- 21/06/2024 - Il Presidente della Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria (SIGA) stigmatizza l’atto vandalico criminale che nella notte del 20 giugno 2024 ha completamente distrutto il campo sperimentale di piante di riso migliorate con Tecnologie di Evoluzione Assistita – TEA.
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- 20/02/2020 - La Commissione Europea ha deferito l'Italia alla Corte di giustizia dell'UE per l'incompletezza del suo regime di accesso alle risorse genetiche
- 01/10/2019 - 21st General Congress EUCARPIA
The conference aims to foster discussions on innovative breeding strategies that address pressing environmental issues and societal needs within the context of organic, low-input, and agroecological farming systems. Researchers, breeders, seed companies, students and stakeholders in the field of plant breeding and related disciplines are invited to join the Conference.
The conference will place special emphasis on breeding for organic and agroecology, with oral and poster presentations from a wide range of disciplines and methodologies on the following 9 topics:
Breeding to meet environmental challenges:
1. Addressing abiotic stresses
2. Combining sustainability and resource use efficiency
3. Addressing biotic challenges
4. Breeding for greenhouse gas mitigation / C-sequestration
Breeding for Diversity:
5 Breeding for agrobiodiversity and ecosystem services
6. Breeding for healthy food (nutritional quality, taste cultural heritage) / culinary breeding
Breeding to meet societal challenges:
7. Participatory breeding and on farm cultivar testing
8. Innovative financial and governance models
9. Impact of EU regulation on organic agriculture and rural development (NGT regulation, PRM regulation)
As, the number of participants to the conference is limited to 120 persons maximum. Registrations will be accepted on a first arrived first served basis. There is also a reduced early fee. So we to secure your place as soon as possible.
Prof. Pedro Manuel Reis Mendes Moreira (Polytechnic University of Coimbra - ESAC) and Dr. Sc.agr. Monika Messmer (FiBL CH), conference Scientific Committee Co-chairs and the Organising Committee are looking forward to welcome the breeding community and especially the new generation of breeding researchersin Coimbra!
For information: https://skyros-congressos.pt/eucarpia2025/index.html .