Bandi e Offerte di Lavoro
- 09/12/2024 - Borsa Valeria Vincenzo Landi 2025
- 09/12/2024 - Premio Michele Stanca 2025
- 21/11/2024 - SIGA Celebrates 70 Years: The Next Generation Speaks
- 21/11/2024 - Evento "Le privative vegetali tra ricerca, innovazione, produzione e mercato"
- 19/11/2024 - Webinar "Stress abiotici? Impariamo ad affrontarli
- 24/09/2024 - Premio Giuseppe Loizzo 2024
- 05/07/2024 - Pubblicato su "Terra è Vita" articolo di Morgante, Pezzotti e Salvi sulla sperimentazione di piante TEA
- 26/06/2024 - Su Science e sul periodico dell'Accademia dei Georgofili prese di posizione sull'atto vandalico che ha distrutto la sperimentazione sul riso TEA
- 21/06/2024 - Il Presidente della Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria (SIGA) stigmatizza l’atto vandalico criminale che nella notte del 20 giugno 2024 ha completamente distrutto il campo sperimentale di piante di riso migliorate con Tecnologie di Evoluzione Assistita – TEA.
- 22/01/2024 - Lettera SIGA-SIBV al quotidiano "Domani"
Post-Doc position available at Sapienza University, Rome
Post-doc Position on the molecular mechanisms of flower opening and closing in crop and model species available in Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. The post-doc candidate will join a highly collaborative team project aiming at deciphering the molecular mechanism underlying flower opening and closing (a very little studied topic in plant biology) and its regulation by light, using a multi-disciplinary approach which will include genetic and molecular biology approaches, CRISPR, advanced imaging and omics techniques. About us The Serino’s lab aims at uncovering new layers of regulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in light-regulated developmental processes, using mainly Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. The lab is located in the main campus of Sapienza University, the oldest university in Rome and the largest in Europe. It is very close to the Rome city center and hosted by the Department of Biology and biotechnology, which includes internationally renowned scientists with differing and complementing expertise, and up to-date research facilities such as cutting edge microscopy facilities and nanotechnologies.
Application deadline: December 4th, 2023.
Expected starting time: January-March 2024.
Duration time: 1 year
Early career researchers with a background in plant genetics, genomics and molecular biology or biochemistry are encouraged to apply.
For details and information write to The application can be made here
CPService and by sending an email to
(Comunicato dalla Prof.ssa Giovanna Serino - Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologia "C. Darwin” - Sapienza Università di Roma)