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Prof. Ambrosone Alfredo,
Dipartimento di Farmacia,  Università
Via Giovanni Paolo II 132, 84084 Fisciano (SA)
Tel: 089 969415   Fax:    E-mail:

Skype: alfredo.ambrosone
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Prodotti della ricerca
  • Italiano
  • English
Parole chiave delle ricerche in corso

acclimation, drought, Solanum tuberosum, stress tolerance

Keywords of current researches

acclimation, drought, Solanum tuberosum, stress tolerance

Dott. Americo Silvia,
DAFNE,  Università
Via Santa Sofia 98, 95123 Catania (CT)
Tel:    Fax:    E-mail:

Dott. Ancora Giorgio,
UTS Biotecnologie,  ENEA
Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 S. Maria di Galeria (RM)
Tel: 06 30483254   Fax: 06 30484497   E-mail:

Dott. Andolfo Giuseppe,
Dipartimento di Agraria,  Università
Via Università 100, 80055 Portici (NA)
Tel: 081 2539431   Fax:    E-mail:

Prodotti della ricerca
  • Italiano
  • English
Parole chiave delle ricerche in corso

biomass, cell wall components, cis-acting regulatory element, genome estimated breeding value, genome selection, genotyping by sequencing, heat stress, MLO, phylogenetic relationship, powdery mildew, RNAseq, SNPs, Solanum pennellii, transcription

Keywords of current researches

biomass, cell wall components, cis-acting regulatory element, genome estimated breeding value, genome selection, genotyping by sequencing, heat stress, MLO, phylogenetic relationship, powdery mildew, RNAseq, SNPs, Solanum pennellii, transcription

Ente,  Ente
Via Dell'Industria 33, 40138 Bologna (BO)
Tel: 051 503881   Fax:    E-mail:
Sito web personale:

Dott. Aversano Riccardo,
Dipartimento di Agraria,  Università
Via Università 100, 80055 Portici (NA)
Tel: 081 2532124   Fax: 081 7753579   E-mail:

Prodotti della ricerca
  • Italiano
  • English
Parole chiave delle ricerche in corso

berry development, cell culture, cell division, cold tolerance, epigenetics, GC-MS, gene expression, genotyping, grape seed, grapevine, KASP, LC-HRMS, mesothelioma, metabolomics, methylation, microRNA, mRNASeq, non-codingRNAome, population structure, proanthocyanidins, PTGS, repressors, RNAseq, secondary metabolites, SNPs, Solanum commersonii, stress tolerance

Keywords of current researches

berry development, cell culture, cell division, cold tolerance, epigenetics, GC-MS, gene expression, genotyping, grape seed, grapevine, KASP, LC-HRMS, mesothelioma, metabolomics, methylation, microRNA, mRNASeq, non-codingRNAome, population structure, proanthocyanidins, PTGS, repressors, RNAseq, secondary metabolites, SNPs, Solanum commersonii, stress tolerance

Prof. Avesani Linda,
Dipartimento di Biotecnologie,  Università
Strada Le Grazie, 15, 37134 Verona (VR)
Tel: 045 8027839   Fax: 045 8027929   E-mail:

Prodotti della ricerca
  • Italiano
  • English
Parole chiave delle ricerche in corso

allergies, barley, beta-glucans, birch pollen, chitinase , health benefits, molecular diagnostics, molecular farming, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana tabacum, plant disease, resistance gene, stress tolerance

Keywords of current researches

allergies, barley, beta-glucans, birch pollen, chitinase , health benefits, molecular diagnostics, molecular farming, Nicotiana benthamiana, Nicotiana tabacum, plant disease, resistance gene, stress tolerance

Dott. Baima Simona,
C.R. Genomica e Bioinformatica,  CREA
Via Ardeatina 546, 00178 Roma (RM)
Tel: 06 51494453   Fax:    E-mail:

Dott. Balconi Carlotta,
C.R. Cerealicoltura e Colture Industriali,  CREA
Via Stezzano 24, 24100 Bergamo (BG)
Tel: 035 313132   Fax: 035 316054   E-mail:

Dott. Baldoni Luciana,
Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse,  CNR
Via Madonna Alta 130, 06128 Perugia (PG)
Tel: 075 5014812   Fax:    E-mail:

Prodotti della ricerca
  • Italiano
  • English
Parole chiave delle ricerche in corso

genetic structure, homonymy and synonymy, local varieties, Olea europaea, SSR genotyping

Keywords of current researches

genetic structure, homonymy and synonymy, local varieties, Olea europaea, SSR genotyping