D.01 |
Barra L., Consiglio F., De Luca P., Mercadante G., Conicella C. - Setting-up of laser microdissection for capturing plant male meiocytes |
D.02 |
Chiusano M. L., D'Agostino N., Traini A., Licciardello C., Aversano M., Frusciante L. - EST database: mining on expression patterns |
D.03 |
Chiusano M. L., D'Agostino N., Traini A., Licciardello C., Raimondo E., Aversano M., Frusciante L. - Isol@: an Italian Solanaceae genomics resource |
D.04 |
Barcaccia G., Vitulo N., Vezzi A., Galla G., Citterio S., Marino G., Ruperti B., Zermiani M., Albertini E., Valle G. - Characterization and evolution of the cell
cycle-associated MOB domain-containing proteins in eukaryotes |
D.05 |
Botton A., Galla G., Ramina A., Barcaccia G. - Large-scale gene ontology analysis of plant genome and transcriptome sequences retrieved by AFLP technology |
D.06 |
Muleo R., Casalone E., Cavalieri D., Miano D., Ruzzi M., Sebastiani F., Polsinelli M. - Pleiotropic effects of a 69 bp duplication in the orf of ADH1 gene of Saccharomyces ceravisiae |
D.07 |
Luongo L., Maccaroni M., Ferrarini A., Vitale S., Polverari A., Delledonne M., Belisario A. - Search for diagnostic tools in Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. melonis race identification |
D.08 |
Anceschi E., Farinelli V., Butturini A., Caroli L., Manicardi G.C., Cassanelli S. - Exploring the molecular basis of insecticide resistance in the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) |
D.09 |
Galla G., Marconi G., Marino G.,
Zenoni S., Albertini E., Citterio S., Pezzotti M., Barcaccia G. -
Functional analysis of cell cycle-associated Mob1 genes using Arabidopsis thaliana RNA-interfered mutants |
D.10 |
Del Fabbro C., Copetti D., Brindisi A., Policriti A., Morgante M. - Combining evidences for repeats and transposable elements annotation |
D.11 |
Vettori C., Fladung M., Ernst D., Markussen T., Veste M., Paffetti D., Emiliani G., Forstreuter M., Citterio G., Giannini R. - Different Fagus sylvatica genotypes under high level of CO2: gene
expression and ecophysiology analyses |
D.12 |
Klein E.M., Pompa A., Vitale A. - The endoplasmic reticulum chaperone endoplasmin supports the synthesis of clavata3 |
D.13 |
Radovic S., Scalabrin S., Morgante M. - Characterisation of autonomous helitrons in monocots |
D.14 |
Galluzzi G., Arzenton F., Morgante M., Porceddu E. - Nucleotide diversity in genic regions of the a genome of wild and domesticated Triticum species |
D.15 |
Tavakol E., Savo Sardaro M. L., Porceddu E. - Identificatin of Dreb2 gene in wild ancestors of common wheat and its variation in Aegilops tauschii |
D.16 |
Savo Sardaro M. L., Atallah M.,
Tavakol E., Porceddu E. - Identification of GW2 gene related to
grain width and weight in A, B and D genome donors of wheat |
D.17 |
Paolacci A.R., Tanzarella O.A.,
Porceddu E., Ciaffi M. - MADS-box genes of MIKC type in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): molecular and phylogenetic analysis |
D.18 |
Gadaleta A., Simeone R., Mangini G., Giancaspro A., Giove S., Zacheo S., Signorile A., De Santis V., Blanco A. - A durum wheat intervarietal genetic and physical map based on SSR and TRAP markers |
D.19 |
Mantovani P., Wenzl P., Catizone
I., Huttner E., Maccaferri M., Corneti S., Sanguineti M.C., Tuberosa
R., Deambrogio E., Kilian A. - A durum wheat linkage map: integration
of SSR and DArT markers |
D.20 |
Maccaferri M., Sanguineti M.C.,
Natoli V., Araus Ortega J.L., Ben Salem M., Bort J., De Ambrogio E., De
Montis A., El-Ahmed A., Garcia del Moral J.L., Maalouf F., Machlab H.,
Martos V., Motawai J., Nachit M., Nserallah N., Ouabbou H., Royo C.,
Slama A., Villegas A., Tuberosa R. - Utilization of a durum wheat
germplasm collection for gene-QTL discovery using association mapping |
D.21 |
D'Onofrio O., Cifarelli R. A.,
Mango T., Lauria G., Cellini F. - Microsatellite markers computational
analysis in wheat from "totipotent" cDNA library |
D.22 |
Farina A., Mondini L., Pagnotta
M.A., Porceddu E. - Adaptation to climatic changes of Ethiopian
germplasm |
D.23 |
Farina A., Mondini L., Pagnotta M.
A., Porceddu E. - Hitchhiking mapping for drought QTL in Ethiopian
populations of durum wheat |
D.24 |
Laino P., Egidi E., De Leonardis
A.M., Mastrangelo A.M., Lafiandra D., Masci S. - Comparative proteomic
analysis of heat stress on durum wheat grain proteins |
D.25 |
Pea G., Pauline Sandra P.,
Canè M.A., Landi P., Morgante M., Porceddu E., Pè M.E.,
Frascaroli E. - Mendelization of heterotic QTL by means of
heterogeneous inbred families and near isogenic lines in maize |
D.26 |
Forestan C., Varotto S. -
The PIN family of auxin transport genes in Zea mays:
looking for PINs in a straw-stack |
D.27 |
Pirona R., Hartings H., Lauria M.,
Rossi V., Motto M. - Identification of genes affecting kernel phenotype
via opaque mutants and transcriptomic technology |
D.28 |
Gabotti D., Gutièrrez-Marcos J. F., Costa L. M., Dal Prà M., Dickinson H. G., Gavazzi G., Consonni G. - The nuclear gene empty pericarp4 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein regulating the expression of a small group of mitochondrial genes in Zea mays endosperm |
D.29 |
Forestan C., Meda S., Varotto S.
- Elucidating the role of ZmPIN1 genes during maize kernel
development |
D.30 |
D’Aloisio E., Tanzarella O.A.,
Porceddu E., Ciaffi M. - Structural characterisation of genes encoding
proteins of the PDI family in wheat |
D.31 |
Ricciolini C., Salvi S., Carraro
N., Presterl T., Ouzunova M., Tuberosa R. - QTL mapping for root
architecture traits in maize using a Gaspé Flint x B73
introgression library |
D.32 |
Salomoni I., Gatti E.,
Gianfranceschi L., Pè M. E., Sari Gorla M. - An integrated
genetic and physical map of Gametophyte Factor 1 (Ga1) gene in maize |
D.33 |
Manzotti P. S., Consonni G., Mauri
F., Gavazzi G. - Genetic analysis of the shoot apical meristem in maize |
D.34 |
Krstajic J., Dolfini S., Rascio
N., La Rocca N., Gavazzi G., Consonni G. - Molecular and genetic
characterization of Fused leaves a gene affecting shoot apex
organization and glossy deposition in maize |
D.35 |
Durantini D., Giulini A.,
Malgioglio A., Pilu R., Tuberosa R., Sanguineti C., Gavazzi G. - Toward
a mutational saturation of the pathway leading to vivipary in maize |
D.36 |
Boccardi T.M., Salvini M.,
Bernardi R., Tozzi S., Pugliesi C., Durante M. - Alpha-tryptophan synthase-like of Isatis tinctoria: gene cloning and expression |
D.37 |
Terzi V., Ciceri G.P., Provero P.,
Morcia C., Faccioli P. - Reference genes selection for gene expression
studies in barley and grape |
D.38 |
Campoli C., Caffarri S., Svensson
J., Guerra D., Bassi R., Cattivelli L., Crosatti C. - A parallel pigment and transcriptomic analysis of four barley Albina and i>Xantha
mutants revealed the complex network of the chloroplast-dependent
metabolism |
D.39 |
Bruschi G., Abbruscato P.,
Crispino L., Lupotto E., Tabacchi M., Picco A.M., Faivre-Rampant O.,
Piffanelli P. - An integrated genotyping-phenotyping characterisation
of Italian rice germplasm |
D.40 |
Baldoni E., Genga A., Locatelli
F., Medici A., Coraggio I. - The rice Osmyb4 gene autoregulates its own
expression |
D.41 |
Marconi G., Raggi L., Reale L.,
Falcinelli M., Albertini E. - Characterization of apostart members/alleles in Poa pratensis L. |
D.42 |
Marconi G., Albertini E., Raggi
L., Blasi B., Barcaccia G., Falcinelli M. - Genomic and cDNA libraries
for isolation of genes potentially involved in apomixis in Poa
pratensis L. |
D.43 |
Raggi L., Marconi G., Sharbel T.,
Porceddu A., Atallah M., Savo Sardaro M., Falcinelli M., Albertini
E. - Linkage mapping of ESTs differentially expressed between apomictic and sexual genotypes of Poa pratensis L. |
D.44 |
Glissant D., Ferrarini A.,
Pezzotti M., Delledonne M. - Construction and validation of a new Vitis vinifera microarray platform based on Combimatrix technology |
D.45 |
Velasco R., Zharkikh A., Troggio
M., Bhatnagar S., Pindo M., Cartwright D., Vezzulli S., Eldredge G.,
Coppola G., Mitchell J., Malacarne G., Segala C., Stefanini M., Gutin
N., Grando M.S., Pruss D., Demattè L., Cestaro A., Toppo S.,
Fontana P., Skolnick M., Gutin A., Salamini F., Viola R. - Vitis
vinfera cv. Pinot Noir: dealing with heterozygous genomes by
merging sanger and pyrosequencing methods |
D.46 |
The French-Italian Public
Consortium for the sequencing of the grapevine nuclear genome - A high quality draft of the genome sequence of Vitis vinifera L. |
D.47 |
Mica E., Piccolo V., Pè
M.E., Pesole G., Horner D. - miRNA discovery in grapevine by in
silico approaches |
D.48 |
Brindisi A., Cattonaro F., Di
Gaspero G., Morgante M. - Identification of the molecular bases of
somatic variation in grapevine |
D.49 |
Salmaso M., Lucchin M. - Genetic variability and biodiversity conservation of an indigenous grapevine germplasm collection: perspective from nuclear and chloroplastic SSR variation |
D.50 |
Madini A., Salmaso M., Gnesotto
M., Parrini P., Lucchin M. - Characterization and comparison of stilbene synthase sequences within Euganean grapevine cultivars |
D.51 |
Magni F., Livon M., Scalabrin S.,
Cattonaro F., Morgante M. - Construction of a physical map of grapevine
using a fluorescent fingerprinting strategy |
D.52 |
Cestaro A., Fontana P., Moretto
M., Zharkikh A., Soloviev V., Velasco R. - Gene predictions and
preliminary gene classification of Pinot Noir genome |
D.53 |
D'Onofrio C., Boss P.K., Cox A. -
Secondary metabolite biosynthesis in elicited grape cell Suspensions |
D.54 |
Minoia L., Zamboni A., Dametto D., Ferrarini A., Glissant D., Pezzotti M., Delledonne M. -
Characterization of berry ripening and withering processes in Vitis
vinifera cv. Corvina |
D.55 |
Purelli M., Bruschetta M., Zamboni
A., Pezzotti M. - Regulation of vacuolar pH and volatile benzenoids
production in developing grapevine berry |
D.56 |
Di Carli M., Pezzotti M., Delle
Donne M., Minoia L., Benvenuto E., Desiderio A. - Analysis of grape
berry proteome during ripening and whitering |
D.57 |
Rizzini F. M., Bonghi C., Ramina
A., Tonutti P. - Transcript profiles in skin of wine grape berries are
differently affected by slow and rapid postharvest dehydration rates |
D.58 |
Chiappetta A., Petrarulo M.,
Rapparini F., Baraldi R., Michelotti V., Salvini M., Fambrini M.,
Bitonti M.B., Pugliesi C. - Involvement of LEAFY COTYLEDON1-LIKE gene and auxin in ectopic embryo initiation on epiphyllous leaves of the EMB-2 hybrid (Helianthus annuus x H. tuberosus) |
D.59 |
Capomaccio S., Aversano R.,
Rosellini D., Carputo D., Veronesi F. - Effects of polyploidization on
gene expression and DNA methylation in alfalfa and potato |
D.60 |
Panara F., Patriti A., Taviani P.,
Calderini O., Porceddu A., Arcioni S. - Forward and reverse genetic
analysis in Medicago truncatula |
D.61 |
Damiani F., Arcioni S., Paolocci
F. - The strawberry FaMYB1 transcription factor specifically
suppresses condensed tannins accumulation in Lotus leaves |
D.62 |
Di Giacomo E., Sestili F.,
Iannelli A., Mariotti D., Frugis G. - Characterization of KNOX genes in Medicago truncatula suggested important differences in the genetic determination of compound leaves among legume species |
D.63 |
Barchi L., Lefevbre V., Palloix
A., Lanteri S. - Mapping of Key horticultural traits related to fruit quality, plant architecture and plant development in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) |
D.64 |
Bagnaresi P., Moschella A.,
Ranalli P., Perata P. - Development of tools for validation of heterologous genechip experiments: potato tuber cold-induced sweetening as a case study |
D.65 |
Selleri L., Picarella M.E.,
Olimpieri I., Mosconi P., Soressi G.P., Mazzucato A. - Progresses
towards the cloning of the tomato parthenocarpic fruit (pat) gene |
D.66 |
Cillo F., Polverari A., Pasciuto
M.M., Glissant D., Delledonne M., Gallitelli D. - The Combimatrix
platform for microarray analysis: gene expression in tomato plants
infected by different combinations of Cucumber mosaic virus and its satellite RNA |
D.67 |
Del Piano L., Sorrentino C., Abet
M., Vasco M., Sicignano M., Crimaldi M., Cuciniello A. - Genetic
relationships among Nicotiana species of section Tomentosae |
D.68 |
Fusari F., Szafranska K., Luongo
L., Polverari A., Delledonne M., Ficcadenti N., Belisario A. - Insights
into melon/Fusarium oxysporum F. sp. melonis interaction through large-scale transcription analysis |
D.69 |
Ruotolo G., Di Matteo A., Chiaiese P., Filippone E. - Cloning of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) major lignin and cellulose biosynthesis gene sequences and their expression analysis during plant development |
D.70 |
Moglia A., Beekwilder J., De Vos
R., Comino C., Acquadro A., Lanteri S. - Regulation and metabolism of
dicaffeoylquinic acid in artichoke |
D.71 |
Falvo S., Mila S., Lanteri S.,
Giuliano Albo A., Acquadro A. - Towards a proteomic approach in
artichoke |
D.72 |
Rey Munoz N. A., Pagnotta M. A.,
Barba M., Saccardo F. - Differences between virus free and control
artichoke plants of the same clone detected by ISSR and AFLP molecular markers |
D.73 |
Del Piano L., Sorrentino C.,
Sicignano M., Abet M., Cuciniello A. - Genetic variability analysis by
molecular markers in "Pietrelcina artichoke" populations |
D.74 |
Galla G., Albertini E., Sharbel
T.F., Barcaccia G. - Multigene family domain polymorphism display is
useful for developing functional linkage map |
D.75 |
Galla G., Barcaccia G., Sharbel
T.F. - Apospory in Hypericum perforatum: from a
cytohistological analysis of sporogenesis and gametogenesis to the
transcriptome |
D.76 |
Pacifico D., Moliterni V.M.C.,
Mandolino G. - Low temperature effect on housekeeping and sucrose
synthase genes expression in sugar beet |
D.77 |
Moliterni V.M.C., Pacifico D.,
Mandolino G. - Exploring the cold transcriptome of Beta vulgaris |
D.78 |
Regis C., Laura M., Morreale G.,
Allavena A. - Sequencing of Kalanchoe xhoughtonii Knotted-like
genes and establishment of phylogenetic relationships |
D.79 |
Bianco L., Di Carli M., Scalone
A.G., Benvenuto E., Desiderio A., Perrotta G. - Large-scale protein
characterization of strawberry fruit |
D.80 |
Licciardello C., D'Agostino N.,
Russo M.P., Reforgiato Recupero G., Chiusano M. L. - Comparative
analysis of expressed transcripts to investigate on tissue-specific
genes |
D.81 |
Quarta A., Mita G., Santino A., De Paolis A. - Molecular and biochemical characterisation of lipoxygenase gene family in hazelnut (Corylus avellana) |
D.82 |
Reale S., Fierro M., Petrella C.,
Petrella F., Pilla F., Rao R., De Felice B., Ciarmiello L.F., Scarano
M.-T. - Cloning and characterization of genes involved in the
production of secondary metabolites in Olea europaea L. |
D.83 |
Giorgetti L., Ruffini Castiglione
M., Michelotti V., Pugliesi C., Geri C. - In situ analysis of
specific floral genes expression during in vivo and in vitro reproductive processes in oil palm |
D.84 |
Michelotti V., Giorgetti L.,
Ruffini Castiglione M., Pugliesi C., Geri C. - Studies of meiotic
process in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis, Jacq.): a fish approach |