Congressi SIGA

- Scientific Programme
- Session I - Structural and comparative genomics
- Session II - Potato: the hidden treasure (FAO Year)
- Session III - Genetic diversity: assessment and use
- Session IV - Genetics and breeding
- Session V - Functional genomics
- Session VI - Challenge for the future: uses of non-food plants
- Symposium on "Heterosis"
- Session A - Plants and animals genetic resources and breeding
- Session B - Quality
- Session C - Plant-environment interactions and Phytoremediation
- Session D - Genomics, proteomics and metabolomics
- Session E - Plant genetic engineering and Plants as bioreactors
- Session F - Fruit and forest trees
- Authors Index
- Keywords Index
- Book of abstracts cover
![]() Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca |
![]() Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali |
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![]() Associazione Maiscoltori Italiani |
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Keywords Index
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
2D electrophoresis | D.72 |
2D-DIGE | C.29 |
2-DE | 5.03 |
2D-PAGE | C.35 |
454 sequencing | D.71 |
4CL | D.70 |
A |
abiotic stress | C.24, C.30, D.31 |
aborted seeds | D.48 |
ACP | F.13 |
adaptation | C.20, C.22 |
adaptive genetic variation | F.10 |
adult plant resistance | A.08 |
AE-HPLC | C.14 |
Affymetrix oligonucleotide array | D.26 |
aflatoxin B1 | E.20 |
Agrobacterium | E.09 |
Agrobacterium tumefaciens | E.06 |
Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation | F.09 |
agroinfiltration | E.16 |
albumins and globulins | D.39 |
alpha-mannosidase | E.14 |
alpha-mannosidosis | E.14 |
alfalfa | A.46, E.07 |
allele-sharing | F.06 |
allergens | E.16 |
allergy | A.02 |
aminoglicoside 3’-adenylyltransferase (aadA) | E.03 |
AMMI | C.20 |
Amygdalus webbbi | A.53 |
amylose content | B.04 |
anthocyanin biosynthesis | D.49 |
anthocyanins | D.15, D.72 |
antioxidant genes | C.36 |
anti-tumoral properties | D.65 |
apomixis | D.53, D.54 |
apospory | D.52 |
apple | A.51 |
apple proliferation | A.50 |
Arabidopsis | C.30 |
Arabidopsis thaliana | B.14, C.23, C.24, D.41, D.42, D.48, 4.02 |
Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes | A.21 |
aroma | D.56 |
artichoke | A.42 |
ascorbate | B.12, B.14 |
ascorbic acid | B.13 |
Asparagus officinalis | A.41 |
association mapping | 1.05 |
autocorrelation | A.16 |
autoimmune diabetes | 6.03 |
auxin | D.47, 4.02 |
awn | D.21 |
B |
BAC | D.75 |
Bactrocera oleae | C.38 |
badda bean | A.38 |
barcoding | C.34 |
barley | A.17, D.04, D.21 |
barrel medic | D.49 |
benzenoid production | D.61 |
berry | D.15 |
berry proteome | 5.03 |
berry ripening | D.55 |
Beta vulgaris | D.36 |
biodiversity | D.73, D.76, F.01, 3.04 |
bioinformatic | D.13, D.24 |
biolistic apparatus | E.03 |
biomass | A.44 |
biopesticide | B.13, C.15 |
Biscutella laevigata | C.34 |
blast | A.20 |
BLAST analysis | D.07 |
blast resistance | C.11 |
Bois Noir | D.26 |
bottleneck | A.37 |
bovine | B.20 |
Bowman-Birk | D.65 |
Brachypodium distachyon | D.28 |
branching enzyme | B.06, 5.02 |
bread wheat | B.07 |
breeding | A.50 |
BSA - bulked segragant analysis | D.51, F.06 |
bZIP transcription factor | C.35 |
C |
C3'H | D.06 |
cadmium accumulation | C.32 |
calorific value | A.12 |
candidate genes | D.18, D.52, 3.02 |
Capsicum spp. | D.29 |
cardoon | A.43 |
carotenoid | D.64, F.05, 5.06 |
carotenoid biosynthetic pathway | 3.03 |
Castanea sativa | F.10 |
CBF | D.37 |
CCCH zinc finger domain | C.30 |
cDNA-AFLP | C.13, D.46, F.04 |
cell cultures | D.12 |
cell wall | D.44 |
cereals | B.03 |
cervical cancer vaccine | 6.02 |
characterization | A.26 |
chelating agents | D.67 |
chicory | D.09, 4.03 |
chitinase | C.15 |
chlorophyll fluorescence | C.03 |
chloroplast | A.44, E.11 |
chloroplast microsatellites | A.37 |
chloroplast transformation | E.03, E.13, E.22 |
chromatin remodelling | D.57 |
chromosome | A.03 |
chromosome 12 sequencing | D.75 |
chs genes | F.14 |
chymotrypsin inhibitor | D.65 |
circadian rhythm | C.08 |
citokinins | 5.07 |
Citrus sinensis | D.72, 1.06 |
cline of variation | A.16 |
clonal root technology | 6.02 |
co-existence | A.01 |
cold stress | D.35, D.36 |
columnar | F.07 |
Combimatrix | D.25, D.27 |
common bean | A.36 |
comparative genome hybridization | D.10 |
comparative genomics | D.77 |
computational genomics | D.17 |
conservation | A.47, A.49 |
conservation of biodiversity | A.01 |
contig | D.37 |
conventional and organic seed production | A.01 |
copia retrotransposon | D.23 |
copper | D.67 |
copy number | A.28 |
core-collection | 1.05 |
Corylus avellana | A.52 |
COS II markers | A.33 |
cpDNA | A.36 |
CPPs | C.15 |
cp-SSR | F.12 |
cre/loxP | E.01 |
crop adaptation | 4.05 |
crop systems biology | D.21 |
Cucumber Mosaic Virus | C.07, D.25 |
cultivar identification | A.05 |
cultivar susceptibility | E.09 |
cuticle | D.45 |
cuticular waxes | C.23 |
cyclic GMP | C.24 |
Cynara | A.42 |
Cynara cardunculus L. | D.66 |
Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus | D.06 |
Cynares | A.42 |
Cytochrome c6 | D.67 |
cytogenetic map | 4.04 |
cytokinin | 4.02 |
cytotoxic T cells | E.21 |
D |
DArT technology | 2.02 |
Dasypyrum villosum | 4.05 |
database | D.24 |
defence genes | C.10, C.11, C.18 |
defense response | D.25, D.27 |
Dehydration Responsive Transcription Factor 1 (TdDRF1) | A.10 |
dehydrin | C.25 |
delivery | C.15 |
DELLA domain | A.13 |
demography | 3.02 |
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus | E.16 |
descriptor | A.42 |
development | C.24 |
DH | A.17 |
different soil | C.39 |
different rootstocks | C.39 |
differential expression | C.38 |
DIGE | 5.03 |
disease evaluation | A.20 |
disease resistance gene | A.30 |
disulfide bonds | E.11 |
DNA barcodes | F.01 |
DNA damage | C.19 |
DNA extraction | B.17 |
DNA extraction methods | B.10 |
DNA sequence | D.22 |
DNA sequencing | 1.02 |
domestication | A.25, A.35 |
doubled haploids | A.41 |
drought | C.25, D.34 |
drought related-genes | C.39 |
drought stress | E.10 |
drought tolerant | C.26 |
durable resistance | A.08 |
durum wheat | A.05, A.07, A.08, A.09, C.12, C.22, C.30, D.39, E.02, 5.02 |
durum wheat transformation | E.09 |
dwarf mutants | A.13 |
DXS | D.56 |
E |
E3 ligase | D.31 |
4.05 | |
ECL | B.01 |
ecotype | A.39 |
embryo development | D.45 |
embryo rescue | D.58 |
EMS | B.07 |
endangered genotypes | A.52 |
endosperm mutants | D.50 |
environment | C.20 |
enzyme replacement therapy | E.14 |
epigenetic | D.12 |
epigenetic mechanisms | D.59 |
essential oils | A.24, C.05 |
EST | D.71 |
EST database | D.63 |
EST survey | D.77 |
EST-SSR | D.01 |
ethylene responsive factors | D.55 |
event-MON810 maize | B.02 |
exercises | D.20 |
expansin gene | D.44 |
expression | D.65 |
expression analysis | C.39, D.48 |
expression profiling | D.26 |
F |
fAFLP | A.07 |
Falsiflora | D.60 |
fatty acids | A.22 |
Ficus carica | F.11 |
field beans | A.34 |
fine mapping | D.51 |
FISH | F.11, 4.04 |
flavonoids | D.33 |
flavour | B.15, B.19 |
FLC | D.09, 4.03 |
flour quality | B.05 |
flower development | D.60 |
flower induction | D.60 |
flowering photoperiodic response | 3.03 |
flowering transition | D.09, 4.03 |
fluorescent fingerprinting | D.05 |
fluorescent-ISSR | F.12 |
food genomics | B.17 |
free simple hybrids | A.46 |
fresh-cut | 2.03 |
frost resistance | D.37 |
fruit development | 5.04 |
fruit ripening | F.05 |
fruit-set | C.21 |
fumonisins | C.09 |
functional annotation | D.18 |
functional genomics | C.11, D.73, D.74 |
fungal disease | E.19 |
Fusarium oxysporum | C.14 |
Fusarium verticilliodes | C.09 |
G |
gabaculine resistance | E.07 |
GAD65 | 6.03 |
gametogenesis | D.42 |
GATA | A.54 |
gene annotation | D.16 |
gene expression | B.16, B.19, C.13, C.25, C.27, D.08, D.14, D.17, D.33, D.49, D.50, E.04, E.10 |
gene expression profiling | C.07 |
gene flow | E.08 |
gene function | F.09 |
gene introgression | 2.02 |
gene mapping | D.54 |
gene network | 5.05 |
gene ontology | D.18, D.46, 5.04 |
gene pool | A.37 |
gene prediction | 1.02 |
gene pyramiding | A.19 |
gene regulation | D.57 |
gene silencing | C.17, D.57, E.06 |
gene structure | D.17 |
gene transcription | D.59 |
genetic analysis | F.06 |
genetic differentiation | A.48 |
genetic diversity | A.23, A.27, A.29, A.36, A.37, A.38, A.40, A.48, A.49, A.54, A.55 |
genetic landscape | A.16 |
genetic map | A.33, A.43 |
genetic mapping | D.06 |
genetic resources | 3.04 |
genetic structure | A.47 |
genetic variation | F.01, F.10 |
genome | D.11 |
genome annotation | 1.04 |
genome properties | 1.04 |
genome structure | D.78 |
genomic libraries | D.53 |
genomic loci | D.22 |
genotype identification | A.07 |
genotyping | F.03 |
germacrene-A synthase | D.66 |
germplasm | A.29, A.38, A.52 |
GFP - green fluorescent protein | E.03, F.09 |
GFP fusion | A.14 |
gibberellins | A.13 |
globe artichoke | A.43 |
glutathione S transferase | 1.06 |
gluten | B.07 |
gluten strength | B.05 |
glutenin subunits | E.02 |
glutenins | B.05 |
GM crops | A.01 |
GMO | B.01 |
GMO detection and quantification | B.02 |
grain yield | C.22 |
granule bound starch synthase | B.04 |
grape | D.14, D.56, 1.03 |
grape clones | D.10 |
grapevine | B.19, D.11, D.13, D.15, D.27, E.18, 1.07 |
grapevine germplasm | D.30 |
green flesh | C.03 |
Group II introns | D.02 |
growth | C.24 |
GSA-AT | E.07 |
GUS expression | D.44 |
GxE interaction | C.20 |
gymnosperms | D.02 |
H |
haplotype | F.13 |
HCT | D.70 |
HD-ZIP III transcription factors | D.43 |
heading date | D.04 |
heat stress | D.35, D.39 |
heavy metal | C.34, C.35, C.36 |
Helianthus annuus | D.08, D.22, D.23 |
herbicide resistance | E.08 |
heterologous microarray | 2.05 |
heterosis | A.15 |
HICF | D.37 |
high amylose | 5.02 |
high amylose starch | B.06 |
high salinity | D.34 |
high temperature | C.21 |
high-throughput experiments | D.50 |
HIV-1 | 6.04 |
Homeobox transcription factors | 5.07 |
Hordeum vulgare | A.16 |
horse | D.20 |
housekeeping genes | D.19 |
HPLC | B.16 |
HRGC-MS metabolic profile | D.56 |
hybrids | A.32, A.41 |
hydrogenase hup | C.02 |
hypersensitive response (HR) | C.28 |
I |
IkB | C.06 |
IL-8 | D.20 |
image analysis | A.03, B.08, B.09 |
in situ conservation | A.11 |
in situ hybridization | D.62 |
indirect defence | C.17 |
Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry | C.33 |
inflorescence | D.09, 4.03 |
influenza virus | E.21 |
interspecific hybrids | D.76 |
introgression | A.11 |
introgression lines | A.33, B.13 |
intron | 1.03 |
intron gains and losses | D.02 |
intron retaining | 1.06 |
ion uptake | C.33 |
isothermal calorimetry | 2.04 |
ITS | A.36, C.04 |
J |
Juniperus hemispherica | A.49 |
Juniperus nana | A.49 |
K |
Kalanchoe xhoughtonii | D.62 |
knockout mutant | D.38 |
knox genes | D.62, F.09 |
L |
laccase | C.37 |
landrace | A.11, A.29, A.38, A.39 |
LC-MSMS | D.72 |
leaf | C.27 |
leaf rust | A.08, C.12 |
leaf rust resistance | D.28 |
leguminous | C.02 |
Lens culinaris | A.39 |
lentil | A.40, D.65 |
LINE | 1.03 |
linkage analysis | A.43 |
linkage disequilibrium | 1.05, 3.04 |
linkage mapping | D.07, D.54 |
LMW-GS | A.06 |
local germoplasm | A.30 |
localization studies | A.14 |
locked nucleic acid (LNA) | B.02 |
locus | 4.04 |
long terminal repeats | D.23 |
low nitrogen | C.22 |
luciferase | D.67 |
lupeol synthase gene | F.15 |
luteolin | B.16 |
lutescent-2 | C.03 |
Lycopersicon esculentum | A.54 |
lycorine resistance | D.69 |
M |
M13-PCR | A.24, C.02 |
maize | A.13, A.15 |
maize seed | A.12 |
Malus | F.08 |
Malus domestica | F.07, 1.05 |
Malus spp. | A.50 |
mandarin | F.04 |
mannose | E.01 |
marker-free | E.01 |
MAS - marker-assisted selection | A.30, A.31, F.06 |
mass spectrometry | D.39 |
Matrix Attachment Region | E.15 |
maturity flesh | D.72 |
measuring tool | A.03 |
meat traceability | B.20 |
Medicago sativa | A.45 |
Medicago truncatula | C.19, D.46, E.12, 5.07 |
Mediterranean conifers | 3.02 |
Mediterranean regions | 2.05 |
megagametogenesis | D.52 |
meiosis | D.53, D.68 |
Melaleuca alternifolia | C.05 |
Merinos derived breeds | A.27 |
metabolic pathways | D.18 |
metabolic profiling | B.15 |
metabolic variation | D.57 |
metabolism | D.49 |
metabolomic | D.64, 5.06 |
metal transporters genes | C.32 |
metallothioneins | C.27 |
methylation | D.08 |
methylation DNA | D.32 |
micorrhyzation | C.36 |
microarray | A.45, D.25, D.27, D.64, D.74 |
microdensitometric analyses | D.68 |
micrografting | A.50 |
microRNA | C.07, 1.07 |
microsatellite | A.26, A.27, A.51, A.54, A.55, B.18, D.01, D.17, F.10 |
mimotope | E.20 |
mitochondria | D.02, D.58 |
mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma | D.69 |
MMP-1 | D.20 |
mode of reproduction | D.54 |
model plant | A.21, D.28 |
molecular and biochemical analysis | C.21 |
molecular cytogenetics | F.11 |
molecular farming | E.17, 6.05 |
molecular mapping | D.29 |
molecular marker | A.18, A.23, A.41, B.17, D.01, F.03, F.07 |
molecular phylogenetics | D.02 |
monoterpenses | B.19 |
morphological and molecular characterization | A.53 |
morphological characterization | A.21 |
morphophysiological characteristics | A.39 |
MSAP | A.45 |
mutagenesis | B.06 |
Myb transcription factor | C.31 |
mycorrhizal | C.04 |
N |
nanoparticles | B.01 |
natural range | A.48 |
near isogenic line | A.15 |
network analysis | B.15 |
new varieties | 2.05 |
next generation (re)sequencing | D.10 |
NF-Y genes | D.48 |
nickel | D.67 |
Nicotiana benthamiana | E.20 |
Nicotiana tabacum | C.06, C.18, C.37, D.32, E.13, E.14, E.15, E.22, 6.04 |
NIL | A.17 |
nitrogen mobilization | D.46 |
nitrogenase | C.02 |
NMR | D.34 |
normalization | D.19 |
nptII | E.01 |
nuclear SSRs | A.47 |
nucleic acids detection | B.01 |
nucleotide pyrophosphatase | B.14 |
nucleotide variation | D.11, F.14 |
O |
Ochrobactrum lupini | C.02 |
oil content | A.12 |
oil palm | D.68 |
oil synthesis | F.13 |
Olea europaea L. | B.18, C.38, D.71, F.12, F.13, F.14, F.15, 5.04 |
olive | D.78, F.16 |
olive oil | B.17, F.16 |
oloeosin | E.17 |
oregano | A.24 |
organoleptic quality | B.11 |
Oryza sativa | A.18, B.04, D.34 |
oxidative stress | C.19 |
ozone stress | C.28 |
P |
paleopolyploidy | 1.03 |
paralog | D.63 |
particle bombardment | E.06 |
PCA | D.34 |
PCR | A.06, B.10 |
PCR select | C.14 |
PCR-based marker | A.19 |
pentatricopeptide repeats | D.58 |
percent embryo | A.12 |
Petunia hybrida | D.44, D.61 |
Phaseolus | A.38 |
Phaseolus vulgaris | A.35 |
phenolic compounds | B.16 |
phenolics | B.14 |
phenotypic and qualitative evaluation | A.34 |
phenylpropanoid metabolism | D.06 |
phenylpropanoid pathway | D.70 |
photoreceptors | C.08, C.29 |
photosynthesis | E.10 |
phylogenesis | A.04, A.44 |
phylogenetic analysis | A.18 |
phylogeography | A.47 |
physical map | D.05 |
physical mapping | D.37 |
phytochrome | 4.02 |
phytoremediation | C.34, C.35, C.37 |
PIN | D.47 |
PIN-formed1 | A.14 |
Pinus sylvestris | A.48 |
plant bio-farming | 6.02 |
plant defense | C.06 |
plant development | D.40 |
plant development and reproduction | D.42 |
plant disease | A.09, A.51, C.09, C.10, D.24, E.13 |
plant farming | E.19 |
plant insect interaction | C.17 |
plant pathogens | C.05 |
plant performance | C.26 |
plant protein extraction | 5.03 |
plant virus peptide vaccine | E.21 |
plant-bacteria interaction | C.01 |
plant-derived vaccines | E.17 |
plant-pathogen interaction | C.14 |
Plasmopara viticola | D.27, D.30 |
plastid genome | D.76 |
plastid transformation | E.04, 6.04 |
plastidial and nuclear diversity | A.35 |
Platanus acerifolia | C.10 |
Pleorotus ostreatus | C.37 |
ploidy manipulations | 2.02 |
polar auxin transport | A.14, D.47 |
pollen detection | A.02 |
pollen development | D.48 |
pollen quantification | A.02 |
pollen tube | F.04 |
polyphenols | B.13 |
polyploidy | A.45 |
poplar | C.27 |
population genetics | A.48 |
population structure | A.27, F.16 |
Populus | D.16 |
Populus alba | C.36 |
potato | 2.03, 2.04 |
potato breeding | 2.05 |
PR1 | C.06 |
pre-cooked | 2.03 |
preference mapping | B.11 |
primer extension | B.01 |
processing | 2.04 |
programmed cell death (PCD) | C.28, D.45 |
promoter | D.53 |
promoter region | D.08 |
protein localization | D.38 |
protein quality control | E.11 |
protein stability | E.11 |
proteomics | C.29, D.35, E.10 |
PRs genes | C.08 |
Prunus persica | F.05 |
pseudo-testcross | A.43 |
Puccinia brachypodii | D.28 |
PVX | E.16, E.20 |
Pyrenochaeta lycopersici | C.13 |
Pyricularia grisea | A.20 |
Pyronemataceae | C.04 |
Pyrus communis L. | C.08 |
Q |
qPCR | B.03 |
qRT-PCR | A.50, D.20, D.38 |
QTL | A.15, B.12, D.04, F.06 |
QTL analyisis | A.17 |
quality | A.32, A.40, B.08, B.09, 2.03, 2.04 |
R |
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) | A.10 |
Rb7 | E.15 |
R-banding | 4.04 |
rDNA | F.11 |
reactive oxygen species (ROS) | B.14, C.28 |
Real Time PCR | A.02, A.04, A.26, B.02, D.19, D.36, E.02 |
recombinant pools | D.51 |
red rice | E.08 |
reduced grain filling (rgf1) | D.51 |
reference genes | D.19, D.36 |
regulatory networks | D.18 |
repeated sequences | D.22 |
re-sequencing | D.10, D.11 |
residual heterozygous line | A.15 |
resistance | C.09 |
resistance gene | A.32, A.51, C.12, D.24, F.08, 4.05 |
resistance QTL | A.09 |
resistance traits | 2.02 |
resveratrol | D.13, D.30 |
retail | 2.03 |
retransposons | A.04 |
retrograde regulation | D.69 |
reverse genetics | D.73 |
rhizosphere | C.35 |
Ribes | F.03 |
rice | A.19, B.03, C.11, C.30, C.32, D.73, E.08, 3.04 |
rice blast resistance | A.19 |
ripening | D.14, D.64, 5.05 |
river buffalo | 4.04 |
RNA binding protein | D.38 |
RNA interference | D.62, 5.02 |
RNA-Seq | 1.07 |
root and shoot development | D.41 |
root secretion | 6.05 |
root-associated bacteria | C.01 |
ROS | 5.05 |
RTG genes | D.69 |
S |
Saccharomyces cerevisiae | D.69, D.70 |
safflower | A.25 |
sanitary characteristics | A.39 |
SBCMV tolerance | A.09 |
scFv | 6.05 |
secoiridoids | D.71 |
secondary metabolism | E.12 |
seed set | D.42 |
seed weight | A.12 |
seedling resistance | A.08 |
selection | A.11, A.16, 3.02 |
self-incompatibility | F.04 |
selfing | A.46 |
semolina mixture | A.07 |
senescence | D.12, D.46 |
sensory analysis | B.15 |
sequencing | D.78 |
sesquiterpene lactones | D.66 |
sesquiterpene metabolism | C.01 |
sesquiterpenes | B.19 |
sexual barriers | 2.02 |
shade avoidance response | 4.02 |
sheep | A.27 |
shoot apical meristem | D.40 |
shrunken kernels | B.08 |
Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) | A.10, A.23, D.07 |
site-specific mutagenesis | E.07 |
smallpox vaccine | E.22 |
SNP - Single Nucleotide Polymorphism | A.36, B.04, B.20, F.03, F.13, F.15, 1.05, 3.02, 3.04 |
Solanaceae | D.77 |
Solanum cardiophyllum | A.28 |
Solanum lycopersicum | A.29, B.13, C.07, C.16, C.17, C.33, D.60 |
Solanum melongena | D.07 |
Solanum melongena wild relatives | C.14 |
Solanum tuberosum | A.45, E.04 |
somaclonal variation | D.68 |
somatic embryogenesis | E.05 |
somatic variation | D.10 |
spaghetti specks | B.09 |
spectinomycin | E.03 |
spermine | D.43 |
spineless | A.25 |
SSR | A.11, A.49, A.54, A.55, B.04, B.10 |
SSR markers | A.05, A.46 |
standard reference plasmids | B.02 |
Staphylococcus aureus | E.15 |
starch | B.07, 5.02 |
stilbene synthase | D.13, D.30, E.18 |
stress tolerance | C.10, C.23, D.32 |
structural enzyme | D.63 |
structural genomics | 1.02, 1.07 |
structural variation | D.11, D.16 |
subcellular localization | 6.03 |
subtractive library | 5.04 |
sucrose metabolism | D.36 |
SUMOylation | D.35 |
sunflower | A.22, D.76 |
suppression subtractive hybridization | C.38 |
sweetening | 2.05 |
symbiotic nodule formation | 5.07 |
systemin | C.16, C.17 |
T |
target genes | D.43 |
temperate rice germplasm | A.20 |
tetraploid wheats | A.06 |
TGase | F.04 |
Thelephoraceae | C.04 |
therapeutic antibodies | E.19 |
TILLING | B.06, B.07, D.73 |
TILLING population | A.22 |
TMOF | C.15 |
tobacco | E.18 |
tolerance to abiotic stresses | A.40 |
tomato | A.30, A.31, A.32, A.55, B.15, C.03, C.13, C.21, C.29, D.25, D.33, D.64, D.75 |
tomato food chain | B.10 |
tomato fruit | B.12 |
tomato genome | 1.04 |
tomato transcriptome | 1.04 |
traceability | A.26, B.03, B.18, F.16 |
traditional and modern tomato varieties | B.11 |
traditional knowledge | A.52 |
transcription factors | C.07, C.11, D.08 |
transcription level | A.28 |
transcription profiling | C.29 |
transcriptional repair | C.19 |
transcriptome | B.12, D.50, D.71, D.74, D.77, 5.06 |
transcriptome analysis | 1.02 |
transformation | E.02, E.05, E.18 |
transgenic | E.08, E.12 |
transgenic maize | E.10 |
transgenic plant | B.16, C.08, C.16, C.18, E.22, 6.03 |
transgenic potato | 5.06 |
transient transformation | E.06 |
transposable elements | D.16 |
TRAP | F.12 |
tree architecture | F.07 |
tree species | F.01 |
triterpene saponin | E.12 |
triterpenoids | F.15 |
Triticum aestivum | B.06, D.05 |
Triticum durum | A.10, B.08, B.09 |
Triticum turgidum var. durum | C.20 |
trnT-trnD | F.12 |
Tuber magnatum | C.04 |
tuber physiology | 2.04 |
two-dimensional electrophoresis | A.06 |
Two-hybrid system | D.31 |
Ty-1 | A.31 |
Ty-2 | A.31 |
U |
ubiquitylation | D.31 |
unigene | D.63 |
unique oligo | D.63 |
unreduced gametes | F.11 |
UPP | B.05 |
upstream region | F.14 |
UV-B | D.33 |
uvr8 gene | D.41 |
V |
vaccine | E.20, 6.04 |
Vaccinium | A.26 |
vacuolar pH | D.15 |
varietal identification | A.18 |
varietyfont> | A.42 |
vascular development | D.43 |
Ve gene | D.29 |
vegetative vivipary | D.62 |
Venturia inaequalis | A.51 |
vernalization | D.09, 4.03 |
Verticillium spp. | D.29 |
vetiver oil biogenesis | C.01 |
Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash | C.01 |
Vicia faba spp. | A.34 |
Vigna unguiculata | C.25 |
virgin olive oil | B.18 |
viroid RNA | E.13 |
virus | A.31 |
Vitis | D.12, E.01 |
Vitis vinifera | C.39, D.13, D.26, D.30, D.55, D.61, E.05, 5.03, 5.05 |
vitreousness | B.08 |
VNTR | A.55 |
volatile composition | F.05 |
W |
water deficit | C.27 |
water shortage | C.26 |
water stress | C.22 |
water stress/adaptation | D.38 |
wheat | D.01, D.19 |
wheat quality | 4.05 |
whole genome duplication | 1.03 |
wild potato | A.28 |
wild species | A.33, F.08 |
wild tomato species | 3.03 |
WIS2-1A | A.04 |
withering | D.14 |
X |
Y |
yield | A.32 |
yield components | A.17 |
ysl1 | C.33 |
Z |
Zea mays L. | A.14, C.09, C.23, D.40, D.47, D.58, D.59 |
zeolin | E.11 |