Congressi SIGA

- Scientific Programme
- Session I - Structural and comparative genomics
- Session II - Potato: the hidden treasure (FAO Year)
- Session III - Genetic diversity: assessment and use
- Session IV - Genetics and breeding
- Session V - Functional genomics
- Session VI - Challenge for the future: uses of non-food plants
- Symposium on "Heterosis"
- Session A - Plants and animals genetic resources and breeding
- Session B - Quality
- Session C - Plant-environment interactions and Phytoremediation
- Session D - Genomics, proteomics and metabolomics
- Session E - Plant genetic engineering and Plants as bioreactors
- Session F - Fruit and forest trees
- Authors Index
- Keywords Index
- Book of abstracts cover
![]() Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca |
![]() Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali |
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![]() Associazione Maiscoltori Italiani |
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Session D - Genomics, proteomics and metabolomics
D.01 | Giove S.L., Russo M.A., Mastrangelo A.M., Gadaleta A., Cifarelli R., D’Onofrio O., Mango T., Blanco A., Cattivelli L. - Characterization of EST-derived SSR obtained from a cDNA totipotent library of durum wheat | |
D.02 | Regina T.M.R., Quagliariello C. - Molecular evolutionary and phylogenetic implications of lineage-specific Group II intron gains and losses in mitochondria of gymnosperms | |
D.03 | Thiyagarajan K., Tesfaye E., Porceddu E., Cantale C., Sperandei M., Felici F., Galeffi P. - A preliminary analysis of TdDRF1 gene in the wild wheat relatives Triticum urartu and Aegilops speltoides | |
D.04 | Tondelli A., Francia E., Barabaschi D., Karsai I., Stanca A.M., Pecchioni N. - Heading date QTL in the barley ‘Nure’ x ‘Tremois’ mapping population | |
D.05 | Magni F., Jurman I., Livon M., Felice N., Cattonaro F., Morgante M. - Fluorescent BAC-fingerprinting technology to construct chromosome-specific physical maps of wheat | |
D.06 | Moglia A., Lanteri S., Portis E., Menin B., Beekwilder J., De Vos R., Comino C. - Isolation, functional characterization and mapping of a p-coumaroyl ester 3´-hydroxylase gene (C3'H) in globe artichoke | |
D.07 | Stàgel A., Portis E., Toppino L., Barchi L., Rotino G.L., Lanteri S. - EST-SSR markers development for mapping and phylogeny studies in eggplant | |
D.08 | Sani E., Pistelli L., Michelotti V., Fambrini M., Pugliesi C., Salvini M. - Molecular analysis of a sunflower gene encoding a homologue of the B subunit of a CCAAT-binding factor | |
D.09 | Locascio A., Vannozzi A., Lucchin M., Varotto S. - Characterization of FLC-like sequences in Cichorium intybus | |
D.10 | Cattonaro F., Brindisi A., Felice N., Swaminathan S., Di Gaspero G., Policriti A., Morgante M. - Analysis of clonal variation in grape cultivars | |
D.11 | Cattonaro F., Vendramin V., Swaminathan S., Policriti A., Morgante M., The French–Italian Public Consortium for Grapevine Genome Characterization - Resequencing of a second grapevine genome reveals frequent SNP and structural variation | |
D.12 | Zottini M., Rodio S., Ruberti C., Lo Schiavo F., Varotto S. - Analysis of genetic and epigenetic events during growth and senescence in grape cell cultures | |
D.13 | Vannozzi A., Salmaso M., Barcaccia G., Lucchin M. - In silico characterization of grapevine stilbene synthase multigenic family | |
D.14 | Minoia L., Zamboni A., Chimento A., Ferrarini A., Delledonne M., Pezzotti M. - The grapevine transcriptome: berry ripening and withering | |
D.15 | Bruschetta M., Ugolini S., Zamboni A., Pezzotti M. - Regulation of anthocyan synthesis and vacuolar pH in developing grapevine berry | |
D.16 | Zaina G., Del Fabbro C., Cattonaro F., Morgante M. - Structural and nucleotide variation among Populus genomes | |
D.17 | Camiolo S., Rau D., Porceddu A. - Expression level and gene structure in Arabodipsis thaliana and Oryza sativa | |
D.18 | Galla G., Botton A., Ramina A., Barcaccia G. - Computational GO annotation of large organ-specific EST repertories reveals common features of AFLP technology for non-model plant transcriptomics | |
D.19 | Paolacci A.R., Tanzarella O.A., Porceddu E., Ciaffi M. - Identification and validation of reference genes for quantitative RT-PCR normalization in wheat | |
D.20 | Cappelli K., Felicetti M., Capomaccio S., Silvestrelli M., Verini Supplizi A. - Strenous exercise in athlete horses: qRT-PCR optimization and stress related genes expression profiling | |
D.21 | Baldassarre V., Terzi V., Morcia C., Stanca A.M., Faccioli P. - Awn development in barley: data integration for effective virtual crop modelling | |
D.22 | Buti M., Giordani T., Cattonaro F., Morgante M., Natali L., Cavallini A. - Sequence and annotation of three genomic loci of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) | |
D.23 | Buti M., Giordani T., Vukich M., Cattonaro F., Morgante M., Cavallini A., Natali L. - Characterization of HaCRE1, a complete Copia retrotransposon of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) | |
D.24 | Sanseverino W., Roma G., Frusciante L., Ercolano M.R. - A plant genome annotation pipeline for disease resistance genes | |
D.25 | Zamboni A., Polverari A., Zenoni S., Ferrarini A., Chimento A., Delledonne M., Cillo F., Pasciuto M.M., Gallitelli D. - Microarray analysis of gene expression in tomato plants infected by different combinations of Cucumber Mosaic Virus and its satellite RNAs | |
D.26 | Albertazzi G., Caffagni A., Milc J., Francia E., Roncaglia E., Ferrari F., Tagliafico E., Pecchioni N. - Transcriptional changes in grapevine in response to bois noir infection | |
D.27 | Polesani M., Zamboni A., Ferrarini A., Lovato A., Pezzotti M., Delledonne M., Kortekamp A., Polverari A. - Analysis of grapevine gene expression in response to Plasmopara viticola by Combimatrix microarray | |
D.28 | Barbieri M., Francia E., Garvin D., Marcel T.C., Niks R.E., Pecchioni N. - Mapping QTLs for leaf rust resistance in the model plant Brachypodium distachyon | |
D.29 | Barchi L., Portis E., Lefebvre V., Palloix A., Lanteri S. - Isolation and molecular mapping in Capsicum annuum of the tomato Ve2 gene conferring resistance to Verticillium spp. | |
D.30 | Madini A., Parrini P., Lucchin M. - Grapevine stilbene synthase expression and resveratrol synthesis following downy mildew infection | |
D.31 | Guerra D., Mazzucotelli E., Crosatti C., Mastrangelo A.M., Cattivelli L. - Functional characterization of an E3 ubiquitin ligase involved in plant response to abiotic stress | |
D.32 | Centomani I., Viggiano L., De Pinto C., De Giovanni C. - Study of genomics and proteomic response to abiotic stress in tobacco cell line | |
D.33 | Calvenzani V., Martinelli M., Giuntini D., Lazzeri V., Dall’Asta C., Galaverna G., Tonelli C., Ranieri A., Petroni K. - Effect of UV-B depletion on flavonoid content and flavonoid biosynthetic gene expression in flesh and peel of wild type and hp-1 tomato fruits during ripening | |
D.34 | Genga A., Fumagalli E., Baldoni E., Abbruscato P., Piffanelli P., Lamanna R., Mattana M., Consonni R. - NMR techniques coupled with multivariate statistical analysis: tools to analyze Oryza sativa metabolic content under stresses | |
D.35 | Mazzucotelli E., Guerra D., Forlani G., Matros A., Mock H.P., Mastrangelo A.M., Cattivelli L. - Toward the functional characterization of the SUMO pathway during the plant response to abiotic stresses | |
D.36 | Pacifico D., Mandolino G. - Sugar beet response to cold: a qPCR based gene expression profiling | |
D.37 | Barabaschi D., Francia E., Tondelli A., Schulte D., Stein N., Stanca A.M., Pecchioni N. - Physical mapping of the barley Fr-H2 (Frost resistance-H2) locus | |
D.38 | Ambrosone A., Costa A., Leone A., Grillo S. - Characterization of a novel potato gene coding for a putative RNA binding protein involved in plant response to water stress | |
D.39 | Laino P., Shelton D., Finnie C., De Leonardis A.M., Mastrangelo A.M., Svensson B., Lafiandra D., Masci S. - Comparative proteomic analysis of heat stress on the metabolic seed protein fraction in the widely grown Italian durum wheat cultivar Svevo | |
D.40 | Manzotti P.S., Consonni G., Gavazzi G. - Shootmeristemless: a gene involved in the maize shoot apex initiation | |
D.41 | Fasano R., Grillo S., Leone A. - Localization and further characterization of uvr8, a gene involved in Arabidopsis thaliana root and shoot development | |
D.42 | Galla G., Zenoni S., Marconi G., Marino G., Citterio S., Albertini E., Pezzotti M., Sharbel T.F., Barcaccia G. - The Arabidopsis MOB1-like gene is involved in both vegetative growth and reproductive behaviour | |
D.43 | Forte V., Baima S., Possenti M., Felici B., Ruberti I., Morelli G. - Identification of ACL5 as a target of HD-Zip III transcription factors | |
D.44 | Sordo S., Fasoli M., Zenoni S., Pezzotti M. - Expansin: expression pattern, subcellular localization and recombinant protein production | |
D.45 | Cavaiuolo M., Krstajic J., Gabotti D., Dalla Vecchia F., La Rocca N., Manzotti P., Rascio N., Consonni G. - Analysis of the fused leaves (fdl) mutant as a mean to study coleoptile and cuticle organization during maize embryo and seedling development | |
D.46 | Formentin E., De Michele R., Todesco M., Toppo S., Carimi F., Zottini M., Barizza E., Ferrarini A., Delledonne M., Fontana P., Lo Schiavo F. - Transcriptome analysis of leaf senescence in Medicago truncatula | |
D.47 | Forestan C., Locascio A., Varotto S. - Seeking for the PIN gene family of auxin efflux carriers in Zea mays: a multiple approach | |
D.48 | Fornari M., Calvenzani V., Petroni K., Tonelli C. - Expression analysis and functional characterization of two NF-Y genes in Arabidopsis thaliana | |
D.49 | Carletti G., Debeaujon I., Routaboul J.M., Marocco A. - Flavonoid metabolism in Medicago truncatula mutants | |
D.50 | Hartings H., Lauria M., Rossi V., Motto M. - Transcriptonic analysis of kernel grown and development | |
D.51 | Pasini L., Lanubile A., Salamini F., Marocco A. - Toward map-based cloning of the reduced grain filling 1 gene in maize | |
D.52 | Galla G., Barcaccia G. - Apomixis in St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.): an overview on recent findings | |
D.53 | Marconi G., Raggi L., Collani S., Albertini E., Falcinelli M. - Isolation and characterization of genomic regions containing apostart in Poa pratensis L. | |
D.54 | Raggi L., Marconi G., Sharbel T., Porceddu A., Savo Sardaro M.L., Albertini E., Falcinelli M. - Linkage mapping of candidate genes for apomixis | |
D.55 | Dal Ri A., Pilati S., Perazzolli M., Boschetti A., Pancher M., Velasco R., Moser C. - Molecular and functional characterization of members of the ethylene responsive factors family during the grapevine berry ripening | |
D.56 | Battilana J., Emanuelli F., Moser S., Gasperi F., Costantini L., Grando M.S. - In silico characterization and expression analysis of class 1 DXS, a candidate gene for monoterpene accumulation in grape berries | |
D.57 | Castro C., Motto M., Rossi V., Manetti C. - Variation of metabolic profiles in developing maize kernels up-and-down-regulated for the HDA101 gene | |
D.58 | Gabotti D., Venturino E., Gavazzi G., Caporali E., Consonni G. - Is empty pericarp4 involved in non-seed tissues development? | |
D.59 | Locatelli S., Rossi V. - A molecular model for epigenetic mechanisms in the Opaque2-mediated regulation of gene transcription in maize endosperm | |
D.60 | Mazzucato A., Ruiu F., Picarella M.E., Selleri L., Soressi G.P. - A leaky allele of Falsiflora, the tomato ortholog of Leafy, putatively underlies the mutation pistillate | |
D.61 | Purelli M., Zamboni A., Pezzotti M. - Volatile benzenoid biosynthesis in Vitis vinifera | |
D.62 | Laura M., Regis C., Cassetti A., Borghi C., Rambaldi I., Allavena A. - Cloning and expression of Kalanchoe xhoughtonii knotted-like gene (KxhKN5) | |
D.63 | Ferrante S., Roose M.L. - Screening of a BAC library of Citrus sinensis by means of overgo probes for the identification of clones containing gene sequences with relevant roles in fruit quality | |
D.64 | Diretto G., Tavazza R., Bouvier F., Camara B., Bar E., Lewinsohn E., Matas A., Schauer N., Fernie A., Rose J., Giovannoni J., Giuliano G. - Metabolic engineering of tomato fruit carotenoids induces global changes in fruit gene expression, volatile and primary metabolite profiles | |
D.65 | Caccialupi P., Ceci L.R., Siciliano R.A., Clemente A., Pignone D., Sonnante G. - Characterization of a Bowman-Birk inhibitor from lentil: expression and antitumoral properties | |
D.66 | Acquadro A., Scaglione D., Portis E., Lanteri S. - Isolation of a germacrene-A synthase sequence from globe artichoke | |
D.67 | Ferrante P., Catalanotti C., Bonente G., Giuliano G. - An optimized, chemically regulated gene expression system for Chlamydomonas | |
D.68 | Giorgetti L., Michelotti V., Ruffini Castiglione M., Cionini G., Luccarini G., Geri C. - Characterization of oil palm in vitro regeneration system: microdensitometric analysis in reproductive and developmental processes | |
D.69 | Maddaluno L., Pontieri P., Massardo D.R., Sansone C., Esposito B., Alifano P., Del Giudice L. - Interactions between yeast mitochondrial and nuclear genomes: the lycorine resistance in the retrograde regulation | |
D.70 | Moglia A., Comino C., Beekwilder J., De Vos R., Lanteri S. - Genetic transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with plant genes: production of conjugates with hydroxycinnamates | |
D.71 | Alagna F., Baldoni L., Perrotta G., Torchia L., Giuliano G., D’Agostino N., Chiusano M.L. - Olive fruit transcriptome analysis through 454 pyrosequencing | |
D.72 | Licciardello C., Muccilli V., Cunsolo V., Saletti R., Fontanini F., Russo M.P., Reforgiato Recupero G., Foti S. - Analysis of sweet orange flesh proteome at ripening time and comparison with trascriptomic data | |
D.73 | Wozniak B., Bruschi G., Dreni L., Kater M., Greppi D., Cavigiolo S., Piffanelli P., Lupotto E. - RISOTILL: a genetic resource for the improvement of Italian rice germplasm | |
D.74 | Ferrarini A., Chimento A., Pezzotti M., Delledonne M. - Plant functional genomics centre: current status and future plans | |
D.75 | Pietrella M., Falcone G., Fantini E., Fiore A., Perla C., Ercolano M.R., Barone A., Chiusano M.L., Grandillo S., D’Agostino N., Melito S., Torre S., Traini A., Frusciante L., Vezzi A., Todesco S., D’Angelo M., Schiavon R., Campagna D., Zambon A., Pescarolo S., Levorin F., Valle G., Giuliano G. - The Italian contribution to the international tomato genome project | |
D.76 | Vischi M., Poscic F., Tomat E., Martinuzzi M. - Helianthus barcoding database | |
D.77 | D'Agostino N., Aversano M., Frusciante L., Chiusano M.L. - Soolgle: a web search engine for comparative genomics in Solanaceae | |
D.78 | Cattonaro F., Felice N., Stefan A., Vendramin G., Baldoni L., Porceddu E., Porceddu A., Pè M.E., Morgante M. - Toward olive genome sequencing: first insights into the genome organization |