Congressi SIGA

- Scientific Programme
- Session I - Structural and comparative genomics
- Session II - Potato: the hidden treasure (FAO Year)
- Session III - Genetic diversity: assessment and use
- Session IV - Genetics and breeding
- Session V - Functional genomics
- Session VI - Challenge for the future: uses of non-food plants
- Symposium on "Heterosis"
- Session A - Plants and animals genetic resources and breeding
- Session B - Quality
- Session C - Plant-environment interactions and Phytoremediation
- Session D - Genomics, proteomics and metabolomics
- Session E - Plant genetic engineering and Plants as bioreactors
- Session F - Fruit and forest trees
- Authors Index
- Keywords Index
- Book of abstracts cover
![]() Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca |
![]() Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali |
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![]() Associazione Maiscoltori Italiani |
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Session A - Plants and animals genetic resources and breeding
A.01 | Falcinelli M. - Innovation and research to support the National seed plan | |
A.02 | Longhi S., Gatto P., Cristofori A., Cristofolini F., Gottardini E., Grando M.S. - Detection and quantification of different pollen taxa by means of a Real-Time PCR approach | |
A.03 | Venora G., Grillo O. - Image analysis measuring tool to assess the morphology and structure of plant chromosomes | |
A.04 | Mondini L., Pagnotta M.A., Porceddu E. - Real Time PCR assay to assess retroelements amount in Triticum and Aegilops species and its philogenesis implications | |
A.05 | Mangini G., Taranto F., Giove S., Gadaleta A., Blanco A. - Identification of durum wheat cultivars by SSR markers | |
A.06 | De Angelis E., Colaprico G., Urbano M., Margiotta B. - Low molecular weight glutenin subunits in Triticum turgidum ssp. turanicum, polonicum and carthlicum | |
A.07 | Sciacca F., Fichera C., Palumbo M. - Recognition of genotypes in durum wheat semolina mixture by AFLP in fluorescence | |
A.08 | Maccaferri M., Mantovani P., Giuliani S., Sanguineti M.C., Deambrogio E., Demontis A., Massi A., Corneti S., Conti S., Tuberosa R. - Identification of a major QTL on chromosome arm 7BL for durable leaf rust resistance in durum wheat | |
A.09 | Maccaferri M., Ratti C., Rubies Autonell C., Tuberosa R., Demontis A., Massi A., Govoni E., Vallega V., Sanguineti M.C. - Genetic analysis of soil-borne cereal mosaic virus(SBCMV) resistance in a durum wheat mapping population | |
A.10 | Di Bianco D., Latini A., Porceddu E., Felici F., Cantale C., Galeffi P. - Finding a molecular markers linked to the Dehydration Responsive Transcription Factor 1 gene (TdDRF1) | |
A.11 | Bitocchi E., Nanni L., Rossi M., Rau D., Bellucci E., Buonamici A., Vendramin G.G., Papa R. - Genetic diversity and introgression in maize landraces from Central Italy | |
A.12 | Panzeri D., Cesari V., Toschi I., Pilu R. - Seed calorific value in different maize genotypes and correlation analysis with some seed characteristics | |
A.13 | Cassani E., Bertolini E., Gavina D., Cerino Badone F., Panzeri D., Casella L., Lago C., Landoni M., Sirizzotti A., Villa D., Reginelli D., Pilu R. - A new mutation of dwarf8 maize gene | |
A.14 | Forestan C., Varotto S. - Auxin roads and plant architecture: ZmPIN1 protein localization studies in maize | |
A.15 | Pea G., Pauline Sandra P., Canè M.A., Htay-Aung, Landi P., Morgante M., Porceddu E., Pè M.E., Frascaroli E. - Fine mapping of two QTL for heterosis in maize | |
A.16 | Tanto Hadado T., Rau D., Bitocchi E., Papa R. - Genetic diversity and cline of variation in barley landraces from the central highlands of Ethiopia | |
A.17 | Barabaschi D., Francia E., Tondelli A., Stanca A.M., Pecchioni N. - Yield performance of naked barley NILs and QTL analysis of yield traits in a naked x hulled DH population | |
A.18 | Bruschi G., Cavigiolo S., Piffanelli P., Lupotto E. - Genotyping a collection of Italian and exotic temperate rice germplasm | |
A.19 | Tacconi G., Baldassarre V., Lanzanova C., Faivre-Rampant O., Cavigiolo S., Lupotto E., Valè G. - Development of molecular markers for the introgression of broad spectrum blast resistance genes into Italian rice germplasm | |
A.20 | Cavigiolo S., Faivre-Rampant O., Greppi D., Lupotto E. - Field evaluation of temperate rice germplasm for blast resistance | |
A.21 | Maruca G., Grillo O., Sonnante G., Pignone D., Losavio F., Venora G. - Morphological characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. ecotypes collected in Italy using an image analysis system | |
A.22 | Sabetta W., Montemurro C., Alba E., Stein N., Gottwald S., Sunseri F., Blanco A., Alba V. - Early steps into sunflower TILLING | |
A.23 | Fiore M.C., Sunseri F., Carimi F., Sciortino A. - Genetic characterization of Sicilian fennel landraces by SSR molecular markers | |
A.24 | Campanile F., Roscigno G., De Falco E., Senatore F., Zaccardelli M. - Biological and molecular characterization of different accessions of Origanum vulgare L. | |
A.25 | Bozzini A., Chiaretti D., Iannetta M., Prosini P.P., Stamigna C. - Selection of spineless safflower | |
A.26 | Palmieri L., Sordo M., Grando S.,Giongo L. - Germplasm characterization and food traceability of Vaccinium using molecular markers | |
A.27 | Landi V., Lasagna E., Albertini E., Martínez Martínez A., Vega Pla J.L., Sarti F.M. - Microsatellite based population structure of Italian Merinos derived breeds: a bayesian approach | |
A.28 | Di Matteo A., Desiderio M., Frusciante L., Monti L., Barone L., Carputo D. - Copy number and transcription level in transformants of a wild potato species (Solanum cardiophyllum) | |
A.29 | Sanampudi V.R.R., Sestili S., Mosconi P., Piccinini E., Caioni M., Ficcadenti N., Mazzucato A., Ferrari V. - Characterization of the tomato landrace “A pera abruzzese” | |
A.30 | Ferriello F., Formisano G., Paparo R., De Martino M., Frusciante L., Ercolano M.R. - Molecular marker assisted selection to introduce disease resistance genes in traditional tomato varieties | |
A.31 | Barbieri M., Acciarri N., Sabatini E., Accotto G.P., Sardo L., Pecchioni N. - Marker-assisted selection of the TYLCD resistance genes Ty-1 and Ty-2 in tomato | |
A.32 | Carli P., Paparo R., Fogliano V., Frusciante L., Ercolano M.R. - Development of nutritional and agronomic index as tool to select new tomato hybrids | |
A.33 | Tripodi P., Mäurer S., Seekh S., van Haaren M.J.J., Mohammad A., Tanksley S.D., Zamir D., Gebhardt C., Grandillo S. - A common anchored map based on a framework of COSII markers for potato and a set of tomato “exotic libraries” | |
A.34 | Torricelli R., Pauselli M., Cestola E., Falcinelli M. - Phenotypic and qualitative evaluation of field beans (Vicia faba spp.) populations | |
A.35 | Desiderio F., Rossi M., Bitocchi E., Bellucci E., Nanni L., Rau D., Attene G., Papa R. - Origins and domestication of Phaseolus vulgaris, as revealed by chloroplast and nuclear molecular markers | |
A.36 | Nicolè S., Bellucci E., Lucchin M., Papa R., Barcaccia G. - Biodiversity studies in Phaseolus spp. by DNA barcoding | |
A.37 | Angioi S.A., Rau D., Nanni L., Bellucci E., Logozzo G., Spagnoletti Zeuli P.L., Negri V., Attene G., Papa R. - Origin and structure of the European common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces | |
A.38 | Paniconi G., Russo G., Selleri L., Gianfilippi F., Campanella V., Miceli C., Messina B., Mazzucato A. - Characterization of a bean landrace from Sicily: the ‘Fagiolo Badda di Polizzi’ | |
A.39 | Miceli C., Campanella V. - Recovery and use of lentil landrace “Villalba” | |
A.40 | Provenzano M.E., Coduti C., Crinò P., Saccardo F. - Use of biodiversity for the development of new lentil winter lines with quality traits | |
A.41 | Sabatini E., Mennella G., Pedretti R., Casali P.E., Falavigna A. - Molecular fingerprinting of Asparagus accessions via microsatellites and isoenzyme-derived polimorphic sequences | |
A.42 | Rey Muñoz N.A., Noorani A., Pagnotta M.A., Crinò P., Tavazza R., Temperini O., Saccardo F. - The first four clones selected from the traditional artichoke Romanesco populations | |
A.43 | Portis E., Acquadro A., Scaglione D., Mauro R., Mauromicale G., Lanteri S. - Construction of a new genetic linkage map of Cynara Cardunculus L. | |
A.44 | Grassi F., Mariani C., Zecca G., Soave C. - Nuclear and chloroplast DNA variability in Arundo (Arundinoideae) | |
A.45 | Capomaccio S., Aversano R., Carputo D., Rosellini D., Veronesi F. - Polyploidization: effect on the transcriptome and methylome in Medicago sativa | |
A.46 | Depedro C., Carelli M., Gaudenzi P., Scotti C. - Heterozygosity trend estimated by SSR markers in the first step of alfalfa free-hybrids construction | |
A.47 | Dubreuil M., González-Martínez S.C., Mayol M., Riba M., Sebastiani F., Vendramin G.G. - Spatial genetic structure of Taxus baccata L. in the western Mediterranean basin: past and present limits to gene movement over a broad geographic scale | |
A.48 | Puglisi S., Lieggi M., Lops A., Rainaldi G. - Genetic differentiation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.): a comparison between populations from Italy and part of the remaining Eurasian natural range | |
A.49 | Lapenna M.R., Ierardi G., Senese C., Logozzo G., Fascetti S., Spagnoletti Zeuli P. - Conservation and genetic diversity in Juniperus spp. of “Pollino National Park” (Basilicata, Southern Italy) | |
A.50 | Bisognin C., Ciccotti A.M., Tormo E., Seemüller E., Jarausch W., Grando M.S. - In vitro screening for resistance to apple proliferation in rootstock breeding materials | |
A.51 | Cova V., Tartarini S., Gessler C., Velasco R., Komjanc M. - Isolation of SSR markers tightly associated to the Vm apple scab resistance gene | |
A.52 | Bacchetta L., Aramini M., Avanzato D., Botta R., Boccacci P., Di Giovanni B., Drogoudi P., Duval H., Metzidakis I., Rovira M., Silva A.P., Socias R., Solar A., Spera D. - The European SAFENUT project: an effort to improve the management of the Corylus avellana and Prunus dulci genetic resources | |
A.53 | Resta P., Fanizza G., Lotti C., Marcotriggiano A.R., Del Faro L., Zonno V., Ricciardi L. - Current results on the localization and molecular characterization of four stands of Amygdalus webbii Spach | |
A.54 | Caramante M., Rao R., Monti L., Corrado G. - VNTR, SSR and morphological characterization of tomato accessions spread in Campania region | |
A.55 | Caramante M., Rao R., Corrado G. - A comparision of minisatellite and SSR markers in relation to morphological traits for discrimination of ‘San Marzano’ accession |