

Postdoctoral position in computational and quantitative genetics of plants

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join Teagasc (The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority) to work in its Crop Research Centre in Carlow Ireland ( on Computational and Statistical Genetics and Genomics. The vacancy is for 2 years. The job is centred on forage species. The general interest of this position is to develop statistical methods and computational tools to understand genetic and genomic characteristics of quantitative traits, association studies and genomic selection through cutting-edge high-throughput technologies with a primary focus on next-generation sequencing. Teagasc is in the process of shotgun sequencing the perennial ryegrass genome and high quality data are available. Current projects focus on association mapping in white clover and perennial ryegrass and genomic selection approaches in perennial ryegrass. The successful applicant is expected to participate in the integrative analysis of genomic data and to develop efficient methods to address outstanding challenges. The position is remunerated with Euro 33000 per annum.

Qualifications: Applicants with a doctoral degree in Quantitative Genetics, Population Genetics and Genomics, Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Biostatistics, or other disciplines with strong quantitative backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Programming skills in C/C++, Java, Perl/Python and or other programming languages and familiarity with Unix/Linux operating systems are desired. Experience in working with plants and data derived from plants is a strong plus. Some molecular biology experience would also be advantageous. A publication record, previous experience with genetics and QTL analysis and association mapping, ability to communicate ideas and results effectively, ability to work well with other team members, ability to work to tight deadlines and experience in genomics or statistical genetics research are a strong plus.

Contact: Interested applicants should send a CV with the contact information of 3 references and a motivation letter to Teagasc is an equal opportunity employer. Applications until the 24th of February 2013 will be considered.


Carlow (Irlanda)