

Disponibile posizione di “Pipeline enablement breeding associate" presso Monsanto Vegetables di Latina

Monsanto Vegetables, parte del Gruppo Bayer, è alla ricerca di un Pipeline Enablement Breeding Associate per la stazione di ricerca di Latina. Al link è possibile candidarsi entro il 16/04.
Il profilo richiesto è il seguente:

. MSc Degree in Plant Breeding, Crop Science or related field
• Demonstrated abilities to develop breeding project plans, analyze and interpret breeding data
• Adequate digital/IT skills (ability to quickly adopt new technologies) and numerical capability and competence in Excel
• Fluency local language and English
• Ability to perform successfully in a fast-paced, dynamic, team-based environment
• Manages multiple projects and priorities​
• Capacity to communicate and work effectively with all management levels in a multi-cultural organization
• Strong strategic and analytical skills and understanding of how to apply them to achieve business results
• Preferred skillset in Statistics and Data Analysis
Location: Latina-Italy
Type of contract: Permanent

