Congressi SIGA
SY01 |
Aci M.M., Lupini A., Mauceri A., Abenavoli M.R., Sunseri F. N-metabolism related genes expression analysis to assess tomato ability to cope low N-supply |
SY02 |
Aprile A.M., Coppola M., Woo S.L., Di Gilio M.C., Rao R. Tomato plants treated with Trichoderma atroviride P1 reprogramme the transcriptome priming defense responses against aphids |
SY03 |
Bozzoli M., Milner S.G., Sciara G., Salvi S., Sakuma S., Schnurbusch T., Corneti S., Stefanelli S., De Sario F., Ormanbekova D., Ammar K., Dreisigacker S., Goundemand E., Massi A., Maccaferri M., Tuberosa R. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of QGNS.ubo2a, a major locus responsible for spike fertility on Triticum turgidum ssp durum |
SY04 |
Bruschi M., Sciara G., Campana M., Alemu Abebe A., Corneti S., Salvi S., Maccaferri M., Tuberosa R. Investigating root growth angle in durum wheat for improved root ideotypes development |
SY05 |
Cappetta E., Esposito S., D’Alessandro R., De Palma M., Docimo T., Tucci M. Genome-wide identification of Dof transcription factors in cultivated cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var altilis) |
SY06 |
Caproni L., Raggi L., Carboni A., Negri V. Genome-Wide Association study reveals candidate genes for flowering time variation in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) |
SY07 |
Castorina G., Domergue F., Grassi F., Chiara M., Horner D.S., Consonni G. The drought-responsive ZmFDL1 gene regulates cuticle biosynthesis and cuticle-dependent leaf permeability |
SY08 |
Cirillo V., D’Amelia V., Esposito, M., Chiaiese P., Conti S., Carputo D., Maggio A. Anthocyanins, plant fancy inducers of resilience |
SY09 |
D'Alessandro R., Cappetta E., Sparvoli F., De Palma M., Docimo T., Tucci M. Changes in transcription and metabolic fluxes induced by cold and salt in cardoon calli differ with stress duration and intensity |
SY11 |
de Sousa K., Van Etten J., Poland J., Soldberg S.O., Jannink J.L., Fadda C., Pè M.E., Dell'Acqua M. Data-driven decentralized breeding increases genetic gain in challenging crop production environments |
SY12 |
Delvento C., Lotti C., Mazzeo R., Ricciardi F., Losciale P., Gaeta L., D’Agostino N., Taranto F., Sánchez-Pérez R., Ricciardi L., Pavan S. Genome-wide characterization of almond diversity/homozygosity defines structure, kinship, inbreeding and linkage disequilibrium in cultivated germplasm and reveals genetic associations with nut and seed weight |
SY13 |
Docimo T., Paolo D., Locatelli F., Cappetta E., Cominelli E., D'Alessandro R., De Palma M., Graziani G., Langellotti A.L., Martello A., Oliviero M., Pollio A., Ritieni A., Rizzo M., Antonello V., Re I., D'Imporzano G., Tucci M., Sparvoli F. BOBCAt: BiOtechnologies for sustainable production of Bio-based commodities and specialty products in a CArdoon-based biorefinery |
SY14 |
Esposito S., Aiese Cigliano R., Cardi T., Tripodi P. Whole-genome resequencing of Italian hot and sweet pepper heirlooms revealed private variants giving insight in genes underlying key agronomic and qualitative traits |
SY15 |
Falek W., Sion S., Mascio I., Montemurro C., Gadaleta S., Fanelli V., Savoia M.A., Piarulli L., Bechkri S., Khelifi D., Miazzi M.M. Genetic diversity of wild olives (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. sylvestris) in Northern Algeria |
SY16 |
Forgione I., Salimonti A., Sirangelo T.M., Puccio G., Mercati F., Sunseri F., Carbone F. Comparative profiling of axillary buds from ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ branches reveals a complex gene network in Olea europaea |
SY17 |
Fulvio F., Paris R., Bassolino L., Pietrella M., Martinelli T The FAD2 gene family in Silybum marianum |
SY18 |
Fusi R., Bhosale R., Rosignoli S., Pandey B., Lou H., Bennett M., Salvi S. Characterisation of key regulatory genes controlling root architectural traits in barley |
SY19 |
Gadaleta S., El Beaino T., Mascio I., Parma C., Debs P., Montemurro C. Kurdish olive germplasm: genetic diversity assessment through SSR markers |
SY20 |
Gambacorta G., Miccoli C., Urbinati G., Gentile A., Caboni E., Verde I., Vendramin E. Modification of the peach tree architecture using genome-editing approach on the PpeTAC1 gene |
SY21 |
Giaume F., Martignago D., Aldrovandi M., Brambilla V., Cerise M., Fornara F. A triple florigen system is essential for flowering and panicle architecture in rice |
SY22 |
Hanani A., Valentini F., Cavallo G., Davino S., D’Ongia A.M. Utilization of culture-dependent and sequening approach for studying the Apulian olive sapwood endophytic diversity and richness under biotic and abiotic variation factors |
SY23 |
Li K., Tassinari A., Presterl T., Urbany C., Ouzunova M., Tuberosa R., Giuliani S., Salvi S. QTL analysis for ear traits in a maize RIL population showed novel loci controlling fasciated-like phenotypes |
SY24 |
Meneguz M., Picco S., Carrea M., Biffo F., Chiabotto C. Preliminary results on development of black soldier fly larvae on canteen waste: chemical hazards and growth performance |
SY25 |
Molisso D., Lentini M., Natale R., Cirillo V., Esposito M., Maggio A., Rao R. Tomato systemin: a potential link between biotic and abiotic stresses |
SY26 |
Mores A., Borrelli M.G., Mastrangelo A.M., Giovanniello V., De Simone V., Pecchioni N., Marone D. Production of cisgenic durum wheat lines for durable resistance to fungal pathogens |
SY27 |
Nigro D., Fortunato S., Giove S.L., Mazzucotelli E., Cattivelli L., Gadaleta A. Validation of two Grain Protein Content QTL by candidate genes Near Isogenic lines development |
SY28 |
Ormanbekova D., Maccaferri M., Twardziok S.O., Scaglione D., Vendramin V., Scalabrin S., Corneti S., Bozzoli M., Massi A., Mayer K.K.X., Morgante M., Pozniak C., Tuberosa R. Durum wheat pan-transcriptome as a bridge to understand tetraploid and hexaploid wheat gene function and evolution |
SY29 |
Pagano L., Villani M., Magnani J., Zappettini A., White J., Marmiroli M., Marmiroli N. Structural maintenance, function and abundance of organelle genetic material in plants exposed to engineered nanomaterials |
SY30 |
Piarulli L., Savoia M.A., Taranto F., D’Agostino N., Sardaro R., Girone S., Gadaleta S., Fucilli V., De Giovanni C., Montemurro C., Pasqualone A., Fanelli V. A reliable protocol for DNA isolation from commercial EVO oil suitable for PCR-based fingerprinting |
SY31 |
Puccio G., Crucitti A., Mauceri A., Lupini A., Sunseri F., Mercati F. WRKY genes drive dormancy in onion bulbs (Allium cepa L.) |
SY32 |
Puglisi D., Tondelli A., Visioni A., Ozkan H., Lo Piero A.R., Cattivelli L., Fricano A. Prediction of grain yield and complex traits to assess the potential of a MAGIC population for genomic selection in barley |
SY33 |
Russo R., Sicilia A., Caruso M., Arlotta C., Di Silvestro S., Nicolosi E., Lo Piero A.R. Transcriptome analysis of rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) leaves infected by Plenodomus tracheiphilus, the pathogen of "mal secco" disease |
SY34 |
Saddoud Debbabi O., Miazzi M.M., Elloumi O., Fendri M., Ben Amar F., Savoia M., Sion S., Souabni H., Mnasri S.R., Ben Abdelaali S., Jendoubi F., Mangini G., Famiani F., Taranto F., Montemurro C., Msallem M. Recovery, assessment, and molecular characterization of minor olive genotypes in Tunisia |
SY35 |
Sciara G., Mazzucotelli E., Mastrangelo A.M., Desiderio F., Xu S.S., Faris J., Hayden M.J., Tricker P.J., Ozkan H., Echenique V., Steffenson B.J., Knox R., Niane A.A., Udupa S.M., Longin C.F.H., Marone D., Petruzzino G., Corneti S., Ormanbekova D., Pozniak C., Roncallo P.F., Mather D., Able J.A., Amri A., Braun H., Ammar K., Baum M., Cattivelli L., Maccaferri M., Tuberosa R., Bassi F.M. Implementation of the Global Durum Wheat Panel, a shared international platform for allele mining and exchange |
SY36 |
Shahpari A., Brecchia M., Corneti S., Blasioli S., Baffoni L., Rosignoli S., Di Gioia D., Braschi I., Burgio G., Salvi S. Addressing the correlation between copper levels and microbiome diversity in the rhizosphere of two grapevine cultivars |
SY37 |
Sicilia A., Santoro D.F., Testa G., Cosentino S.L., Lo Piero A.R. Transcriptome profiling via RNAseq indicates Glycolysis and Krebs cycles as strongly induced pathways in giant reed (Arundo donax) under long term salt stress |
SY38 |
Sion S., Taranto F., Montemurro C., Mangini G., Camposeo S., Falco V., Gallo A., Mita G., Saddoud Debbabi O., Ben Amar F., Pavan S., Roseti V., Miazzi M.M. Genetic characterization of Apulian olive germplasm as potential source in new breeding programs |
SY39 |
Sirangelo T.M., Lo Feudo G., Forgione I., Zelasco S., Salimonti A., Carbone F. The OLGENOME Web Portal: a user-friendly working tool for project partners and results dissemination |
SY40 |
Torricella V., Crosatti C., Tondelli A. Fine mapping of the barley (Hordeum vulgare) viridis-zb63 photosynthetic mutant |
SY41 |
Villano C., Esposito S., D’Amelia V., Garramone R., Alioto D., Zoina A., Aversano R., Carputo D. The WRKY gene family in wild potatoes |