(1,3;1,4)-beta-D-Glucan |
3.06 |
2n pollen |
2.12 |
7B-1 mutant |
2.58 |
9K SNP array |
2.18 |
A |
abiotic stress |
3.01 |
abiotic genes |
1.09 |
adult phase |
2.38 |
Aegilops |
2.14 |
aflatoxins |
5.17 |
2.19 |
Aglianico |
2.55 |
Agrobacterium tumefaciens |
6.16 |
agrobiodiversity |
2.08, 3.04 |
agro-ecology |
2.08 |
agronomic traits |
2.11 |
Alachlor |
6.08 |
Algerian olive germplasm |
2.30 |
alleles for quality |
3.07 |
allelic diversity |
3.05 |
allergens |
1.37, 3.27 |
almond |
2.44, 2.56 |
amino acids |
3.08 |
amygdalin |
2.56 |
ancient varieties |
3.13 |
annotation |
1.41, 5.28 |
anther culture |
2.29 |
anthocyanin |
2.17, 2.24 |
antioxidant |
2.45, 4.10, 4.11 |
antioxidant activity |
3.17, 4.12 |
anti-tumoral diterpenes |
6.18 |
antixenosis |
5.12 |
apocarotenoids |
3.03 |
Arabidopsis thaliana |
1.12, 2.12, 2.47, 6.01, 6.02 |
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi |
4.16 |
artichoke |
3.28 |
artificial inoculation |
5.17, 5.21 |
artificial microRNA |
6.14 |
Arundo donax |
2.22, 2.50, 4.06 |
ascorbic acid (AsA) |
1.16, 1.17, 2.61, 4.11 |
1.13 |
Asparagus officinalis L. |
4.12 |
Aspergillus flavus |
5.17 |
association mapping |
2.04, 2.05, 2.13, 2.24, 3.12 |
association study |
1.18 |
Asteraceae |
1.06 |
auxin |
6.04, 6.10 |
auxin biosynthesis |
2.20 |
B |
barley |
1.01 |
barley varieties |
1.29 |
binary traits |
4.15 |
biodiversity |
2.10 |
bioenergy |
2.50 |
biofortification |
3.16 |
bioinformatics |
6.14 |
biomass |
2.62 |
biotic stress |
4.11 |
bitterness |
2.56 |
bolting tendency |
1.43 |
brachytic mutants |
6.04 |
Brassicaceae |
6.03 |
bread wheat |
2.26 |
breeding |
3.01, 6.03, S.04 |
breeding for resistance |
5.11 |
browning |
3.22 |
C |
cadmium |
3.23 |
Camelina sativa |
6.03 |
cAMP |
5.15 |
candidate gene |
5.06 |
capillary electrophoresis |
3.10 |
5.09 |
CAPS markers |
2.61 |
Capsicum annuum L. |
2.41, 3.25, 4.10, 6.16 |
carotenoid |
1.15, 2.02, 2.21, 3.15 |
carotenoid genes |
2.36 |
CCDs |
3.03 |
cell expansion |
6.10 |
cell wall |
5.25 |
cellulolytic enzymes |
6.17 |
cGMP |
5.15 |
cherry tomato |
2.23 |
Chicorium intybus |
3.05, 4.09 |
chitin signaling |
5.04 |
chloroplast |
2.62, 6.07 |
chloroplast DNA |
1.19 |
chloroplast markers |
3.09 |
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) |
2.28, 1.31 |
ChIP-sequencing (ChIP-seq) |
1.31 |
chromatin modifications |
1.27 |
chromosome 5A |
1.04 |
Cicer arietinum |
2.31 |
Cichorium endivia |
1.12, 1.22 |
circadian clock |
1.39 |
Citrus |
1.02 |
clones collection |
2.22 |
cloning |
3.25 |
cloning-by-sequencing |
1.01 |
coevolution |
5.27 |
cold stress |
1.35, 1.38 |
common bean |
2.07 |
complex traits |
2.03 |
compost-tea |
2.48 |
consensus map |
2.05 |
corn flour |
2.54 |
S.02 |
crocin |
3.03 |
Crocus sativus |
2.19 |
crop improvement |
S.03 |
crop nutrition |
4.01 |
Cucumis melo |
2.27 |
Cucurbita pepo |
5.10 |
Cynara cardunculus |
1.06, 1.21, 2.25 |
Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus L. |
3.17 |
cynaropicrin |
2.25 |
cytokinin metabolism |
1.22 |
data network |
2.41 |
database |
1.21, 1.41 |
de novo |
1.42 |
de novo assembly |
1.02, 3.05 |
de novo sequencing |
1.09 |
deep-sequencing |
1.29 |
defense response |
5.08 |
Dendrobium |
6.13 |
differential gene expression |
1.32 |
differentially expressed genes |
1.25 |
digestate |
4.05 |
dihydrofolate reductase |
6.02 |
disabling mutations |
S.04 |
diseases |
5.09 |
DNA damage |
6.11 |
DNA double-strand break (DSB) |
S.03 |
DNA methylation |
1.17 |
DNA microsatellites |
3.11 |
domestication |
1.11, 2.07 |
draft-genome |
1.09 |
drought |
1.17, 6.09 |
drought resistance |
3.12, 6.06 |
drought stress |
1.10, 2.50, 6.07 |
DSB repair |
S.02 |
durable resistance |
5.03 |
durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) |
2.09, 2.16, 2.17, 2.26, 2.40, 2.60, 3.06, 3.07, 3.19, 5.06, 6.06 |
E |
effective number of codons |
2.39 |
eggplant |
1.20, 3.26 |
elevated CO2 |
1.30 |
Emilia Romagna |
2.10 |
energy crop |
2.22 |
environmental stress |
1.27 |
enzyme activity |
4.03 |
epigenetic variability |
2.19 |
epigenetic variation |
2.35 |
epigenetics |
2.15, 2.47 |
epigenome |
1.14 |
Eragrostis tef |
3.24 |
Erysiphe necator |
5.04 |
Ethiopia |
3.04 |
exopolysaccharides |
1.34 |
expression analysis |
2.53 |
expression pattern |
3.25 |
F |
Fagopyrum esculentum |
2.32 |
Fagopyrum tataricum |
2.32 |
family farming |
3.04 |
farming systems |
2.08 |
fasciated |
2.53 |
fennel |
2.34 |
filamentous fingi |
5.02 |
fine mapping |
2.56, 5.23 |
fingerprinting |
2.10, 5.22 |
flag leaf |
1.30 |
flavonoids |
4.07 |
flow cytometry |
6.13 |
flowering |
1.39, 2.15 |
flowering time |
1.12, 2.03, 2.40, 2.42 |
Fol |
2.37 |
food contaminants |
3.07 |
food safety |
3.23 |
food-grade sorghum |
4.14 |
fruit crops |
1.03 |
fruit quality |
2.18, 2.57, 2.61 |
fumonisin |
1.26 |
functional category enrichment |
1.32 |
functional genomics |
6.14 |
fungal pathogen |
5.21 |
fungal strain dynamics |
5.22 |
Fusarium |
5.19 |
Fusarium culmorum |
5.18 |
Fusarium graminearum |
5.18, 5.24 |
Fusarium head blight |
5.23 |
Fusarium resistence |
5.06 |
Fusarium verticillioides |
1.26, 5.20, 5.22 |
fw3.2 |
2.53 |
G |
1.06, 1.20 |
gene cluster |
2.37 |
gene co-expression network |
2.07 |
gene expression |
2.46, 2.49, 3.21, 4.13 |
gene promoters |
6.02 |
gene silencing |
6.16 |
gene structure |
2.06 |
gene technology |
S.02 |
Gene-based SNP markers |
2.05 |
genetic diversity |
2.13, 2.22, 2.26, 2.31, 2.43, 2.45, 2.51, 4.01 |
genetic linkage map |
5.06 |
genetic mapping |
1.36 |
genetic purity |
2.27 |
genetic resources |
2.02, 3.15, 5.12 |
genetic screening |
5.16 |
genetic variability |
2.19, 2.30, 3.06 |
genetic variation |
2.09 |
genome |
1.23 |
genome doubling |
2.46 |
genome sequence |
1.01 |
genome zipper |
1.04 |
genomic predictions |
4.15 |
genomics |
1.06, 3.01 |
genotyping |
2.13 |
Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) |
1.03, 1.26 |
germplasm |
2.10, 2.51, 5.09, 5.17 |
germplasm resources |
2.11 |
giant reed |
2.62 |
2.62 |
globosa |
2.58 |
glucosinolates |
6.03 |
glutamate synthase |
4.03 |
glutamine synthetase |
4.03 |
glutathione S-transferase |
6.08 |
glycosidase inhibitors |
5.25 |
grain number per spikelet |
2.60 |
grain yield |
2.60 |
grapevine |
1.05, 5.07, 6.09 |
grapevine rootstocks |
1.31 |
green factories |
6.17 |
green microalgae |
6.12 |
GS FLX 454 platform |
5.08 |
3.04 |
H |
hairy roots |
6.18 |
haploids |
2.29 |
hda108 |
2.28 |
6.01 |
herbivores resistance |
5.13 |
hGAD65 |
6.15 |
High Resolution Melting |
3.10 |
high-PIC SSRs |
2.34 |
high-throughput genotyping |
1.03 |
high-throughput phenotyping |
6.06 |
histone acetylation/deacetylation |
2.28 |
histone modifications |
1.31 |
histone post-translational modifications |
1.40 |
5.28 |
homologous recombination |
S.02 |
homologue genes |
1.43 |
Hordeum vulgare (cv. Morex) |
2.59 |
Hordeum vulgare L. |
5.27 |
hormones |
1.33 |
host adaptation |
5.02 |
2.51 |
5.10 |
HSP101 promoter |
3.19 |
humic acid |
2.48 |
hydrolytic and oxidative degradation level |
3.11 |
hypersensitive response |
5.16 |
I |
2.20 |
in vitro selection |
5.11 |
inbred lines |
2.34 |
intergenic sequences |
2.39 |
introgression lines (ILs) |
2.57, 2.61 |
intron gain/loss |
2.06 |
introns |
2.44 |
ionome |
3.23 |
ionome analysis |
6.11 |
ionomic-transcriptomic data integration |
4.04 |
iron uptake |
4.08 |
isogenic lines |
5.10 |
Italian cultivars |
1.24 |
J |
Jerusalem artichoke |
5.11 |
juvenile phase |
2.38 |
K |
Kalanchoe x houghtonii |
4.06 |
4.06 |
kiwifruit |
1.13 |
L |
lactic acid bacteria |
1.34 |
landraces |
2.21, 2.26, 2.32, 2.43, 2.54, 3.08, 3.17 |
landscap projects |
6.11 |
landscape ecology |
2.08 |
leaf development |
1.10 |
leafy crops |
1.12, 1.22 |
lignin degradation |
1.08 |
linkage disequilibrium |
2.04, 2.24 |
linkage map |
2.16 |
lncRNAs |
1.27 |
local adaptation |
5.27 |
local populations |
3.02 |
local varieties |
3.09 |
long non-coding RNA |
1.41 |
long shelf-life |
1.14, 2.23 |
loss-of-function |
S.04 |
low temperature- tolerance |
1.29 |
lupeol |
3.25 |
Lupinus albus |
4.07 |
LysM-RLK |
5.04 |
M |
M13-tailed AFLPs |
2.34 |
macronutrients |
4.14 |
Magnaporthe oryzae |
5.03 |
maize |
1.28, 2.21, 2.35, 4.02, 6.06 |
Mal d genes |
1.37, 3.27 |
male sterility |
2.58 |
Malus domestica |
1.37, 3.13, 3.27 |
mapping |
5.03 |
marginal lands |
2.50 |
marker-assisted breeding |
1.23, 2.33, 2.34 |
Mediterranean area |
4.14 |
Mediterranean species |
6.11 |
meganucleases |
S.02 |
meiosis |
1.40, 2.47, 2.52 |
melon |
1.11 |
metabolic engineering |
6.18 |
metabolic pathway |
1.16 |
metabolite analysis |
3.22 |
metabolome |
1.07, 1.22 |
metabolomic |
1.33, 3.08, 4.16 |
metal ions |
3.07 |
metal transporters |
3.23 |
microarray |
4.02 |
microarray analysis |
4.08 |
microbial community |
4.05 |
micronutrients |
4.14 |
micropropagation |
2.22 |
microRNA |
5.05 |
microsatellite |
1.21, 2.32, 3.10 |
microsatellite markers (SSR) |
2.45, 2.51 |
microspore culture |
2.29 |
microsporogenesis |
2.12 |
milling fractions |
3.02 |
mineral components |
3.02 |
mineral elements |
4.09 |
mineral profile |
4.14 |
miRNA |
1.10, 1.17, 1.29, 1.33 |
1.21 |
molecular markers |
1.19, 2.11, 2.31 |
morpho-anatomical modifications |
2.46 |
morpho-physiological traits |
3.14 |
mRNA-Seq |
1.31, 1.32 |
4.13 |
2.19 |
1.04 |
multiparental population |
2.03, 2.60 |
multiplexing |
2.27 |
musts |
3.10 |
mutational bias |
2.39 |
MYB transcription factors |
3.26 |
mycotoxin |
5.18 |
N |
neighbor map |
1.04, 5.23 |
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) |
1.03, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.10, 1.19, 1.20, 1.36, 1.39, 2.48, 3.24, 4.05, 5.05, 5.07, 5.13 |
Nicotiana tabacum |
6.08, 6.15 |
nitric oxide |
5.16 |
NO3- induction |
4.02 |
4.02 |
nutrient deficiency |
4.07 |
O |
oil DNA tracking |
3.09 |
Olea europaea L. |
1.35, 2.30 |
olive oil |
3.09 |
open pollinated varieties |
2.21 |
organoleptic quality |
1.07 |
orphan crop |
3.24 |
orthologs |
2.37 |
Oryza sativa |
1.24 |
osmotic stress |
1.24 |
P |
PAHs |
6.12 |
paired-end |
1.11, 1.42 |
PDO and traditional food |
3.11 |
peach genome |
2.18 |
Pearl millet |
3.16 |
pepper |
2.51, 5.09 |
pepper ecotypes |
4.10 |
2.48 |
Phalenopsis |
6.13 |
pharmacological properties |
3.25 |
Phaseolus vulgaris |
2.43, 4.13 |
phenantrene catabolism |
6.12 |
phenolic acids |
2.09 |
phenolic compounds |
2.61 |
phenols |
2.45 |
phenomics |
3.23 |
phenotypic description |
2.59 |
phenotyping |
2.02, 2.13, 3.20, 5.19 |
phenylpropanoid pathway |
2.55 |
phenylpropanoids |
3.26 |
phlobaphenes |
2.21 |
photoperiod |
2.40 |
photosynthesis |
1.30 |
phylogenetic analysis |
2.14 |
phylogenetic relationship |
2.37 |
physical map |
1.01, 1.04 |
phythoene desaturase |
6.16 |
phytic acid |
3.16, 4.13 |
phytoplasma |
5.07 |
phytosiderophores |
4.08 |
Pisum sativum spp. arvense L. |
3.14 |
plant defence |
5.14 |
plant development |
2.28 |
plant disease |
5.11, 5.19, 5.22 |
plant disease resistance |
5.16 |
plant meristems |
6.02 |
plant nutrition |
3.17, 4.09 |
plant resistance genes |
5.20 |
plant secondary metabolites |
2.25 |
plant signalling transduction |
5.15 |
plant virus infection |
5.02 |
plantation age |
4.12 |
plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria |
4.16 |
plant-virus interactions |
5.05 |
plastid transformation |
6.17 |
polyphenols |
3.28, 4.11 |
polyploidization FISHIS |
6.13 |
polyploidy |
2.12, 2.62 |
pooling |
S.04 |
poppy anemone |
5.08 |
population genetics |
2.54, 3.14 |
population structure |
2.04 |
post-harvest withering |
2.23 |
potato |
2.46 |
powdery mildew |
5.26 |
precise genome engineering |
S.03 |
prediction |
5.28 |
PRGdb |
5.28 |
probiotic |
1.34 |
protein-protein interaction |
5.14 |
proteomic analysis |
5.24, 6.12 |
proteomics |
6.07 |
Pseudomonas putida |
2.48 |
Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae |
1.13 |
5.04 |
Punica granatum |
2.45 |
Pyrenophora teres |
5.27 |
Pyrus communis L. |
2.10 |
Q |
3.22 |
2.18, 2.40, 3.12, 5.19 |
QTL analysis |
1.36, 2.60 |
QTL cluster |
2.42 |
QTL mapping |
1.26, 2.03 |
quality |
3.08, 3.15 |
quality parameters |
5.24 |
quality traits |
1.25 |
R |
radicchio of Chioggia |
1.23, 2.33 |
RAD-sequencing |
1.20, 1.43 |
rare alleles |
S.04 |
RdDM |
1.28 |
Real Time PCR |
1.37, 3.27, 4.03 |
reciprocal translocation |
2.52 |
recombinant protein |
6.15 |
recombination |
1.40 |
2.55 |
resequencing |
1.42 |
resistance |
6.09 |
resistance gene |
5.26 |
R-genes |
1.09, 5.08, 5.28 |
rhizosphere |
1.33, 4.07 |
rice |
5.03 |
rice seeds |
1.25 |
ripening |
1.05, 2.23 |
RNA silencing |
5.05 |
RNAi |
2.12, 2.47 |
RNA sequencing |
1.13, 1.16, 1.24, 1.25, 1.28, 1.30, 1.33, 1.35, 1.37, 1.38, 2.07, 2.23, 2.35, 2.57, 3.21, 3.27, 5.03, 5.10, 5.13, 5.20, 5.21 |
rocket salad |
2.11 |
root exudates |
4.07 |
root metabolism |
4.16 |
root mutant collection |
2.59 |
root system architecture |
3.12 |
root vigor |
4.15 |
roots |
6.04 |
rootstocks |
6.09 |
6.10 |
RRBS-seq |
2.35 |
S |
saffron |
3.03 |
salinity |
2.41 |
salt stress |
2.50 |
salt stress tolerance |
2.14 |
Salvia sclarea |
6.18 |
San Marzano |
3.21 |
1.13 |
seed color |
2.17 |
seed content |
1.32 |
seed development |
2.20 |
seed morphology |
2.16 |
selection |
3.01 |
self-incompatibility |
2.44 |
sequence capture |
1.15 |
sesquiterpene lactones |
2.25 |
signalling |
5.16 |
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) |
1.03, 1.11, 1.18, 1.42, 1.43, 5.06 |
siRNAs |
1.28 |
small Heat Shock Protein |
3.18 |
small RNA sequencing |
1.28 |
SNP genotyping |
2.43 |
SNP markers |
2.16, 2.17, 2.36, 2.52, 2.56, 3.09 |
SNP-BSA-based mapping |
2.59 |
soil amendment |
4.05 |
soil microorganisms |
1.08 |
soilless |
2.41 |
Solanaceae |
3.26 |
Solanum |
1.17, 2.46 |
S. habrochaites LA1777 |
2.57 |
Solanum lycopersicum L. |
2.02, 2.49, 2.58, 3.15, 5.05, 5.12, 6.14 |
Solanum melongena |
2.24, 3.22 |
Solanum pennellii introgression lines |
4.04 |
somatic mutations |
1.02 |
SOS genes |
2.14 |
S-RNase |
2.44 |
1.21, 2.26, 2.27, 2.55, 3.14, 5.09 |
SSR markers |
2.30, 2.33, 2.54, 3.13 |
stem-loop qRT-PCR |
1.29 |
storage proteins |
3.16 |
Strategy II |
4.08 |
stress resistance |
1.09 |
stress response |
3.18 |
stress tolerance |
6.08 |
structural variants |
1.02 |
structural variation |
1.11, 1.42 |
sugar beet |
1.38, 4.15 |
sun |
2.53 |
sunflower |
1.39 |
superior alleles |
1.15 |
synteny |
2.05 |
synthetic variety |
3.20 |
systemin |
5.14 |
Systems Biology |
2.41 |
T |
table olives |
3.11 |
TALE transcription factors |
1.12 |
tannins |
3.20 |
Targeted Re-sequencing |
1.15 |
TdHSP101 |
3.19 |
tetraploid wheat |
2.04, 2.09, 2.36 |
thermospermine |
6.01 |
thermotolerance |
3.18, 3.19 |
thymidylate synthase |
6.02 |
tilling |
1.39 |
tobacco |
6.17 |
tomato |
1.07, 1.18, 1.19, 2.47, 2.57, 2.58, 3.08, 6.07 |
tomato breeding |
1.15 |
tomato fruit ionome |
4.04 |
tomato leafminer |
2.02, 5.12 |
tomato traditional variety |
1.14 |
ToMV |
2.37 |
traceability |
3.11 |
transcription factors |
1.38, 3.28 |
transcriptional regulation |
6.01 |
transcriptome |
1.05, 1.07, 1.22, 3.05, 5.13, 6.09 |
transcriptome analysis |
1.27 |
transciptome diversity |
2.07 |
transcriptome sequencing |
4.06 |
transgene pyramiding |
5.25 |
transgenic plant |
5.24, 6.15 |
translational selection |
2.39 |
Trichoderma longibrachiatum |
2.49 |
Triticum |
2.14 |
Triticum aestivum |
2.13, 5.19, 5.23 |
Triticum durum Desf. |
1.30, 2.05, 3.12, 3.18, 4.16 |
Triticum turgidum |
5.26 |
Triticum turgidum subsp. durum |
3.02 |
twinning with Canada |
5.21 |
two-way pseudo-testcross |
1.36 |
U |
urban pollution |
6.11 |
UV-B |
6.10 |
UVR8 |
6.10 |
V |
variety identification |
2.27 |
vascular development |
6.01 |
vernalization |
2.40 |
Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) |
2.53, 5.02, 6.14 |
Vicia faba L. |
3.20 |
Vitis vinifera |
1.32, 2.55, 3.10 |
W |
water stress |
2.49 |
water use efficiency |
6.06 |
waxiness |
2.38 |
wheat |
2.29, 3.01, 3.04, 4.01, 4.03, 5.24 |
wheat defence |
5.25 |
whole transcriptome |
1.10 |
whole transcriptome assembly |
3.24 |
wild accessions |
2.43 |
wild wheats |
2.09 |
wine |
1.34 |
Y |
Yellow pigments |
2.36 |
yield |
2.42 |
Yucca |
2.20 |
Z |
Zea mays |
1.26, 1.27, 2.03, 2.15, 2.20, 2.28, 2.38, 4.08, 5.17, 5.20, 5.21, 5.22, 6.04 |
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus |
5.10 |