Congressi SIGA

- Book of abstract
- Scientific Programme
- Session 1 - New breeding objectives and strategies
- Session 2 - Plant phenotyping
- Session 3 - Gene regulation in higher plants
- Session 4 - Plant metabolomics and crop improvement
- Session 5 - Biodiversity and Breeding
- Session 6 - Genome evolution and domestication
- Session 7 - Towards EXPO 2015: Genetics and physiology of biotic stresses
- Session 8 - Towards EXPO 2015: Climate change, abiotic stresses and crop yield
- Session 9 - Genetics and Biotechnology
- Special Communications
- Authors Index
- Keywords Index
Organised by: |
Centro di Ricerca per la Cerealicoltura (CRA-CER) | Under the patronage of: |
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![]() Provincia di Foggia |
With the support of: |
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![]() Comune di Foggia |
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Session 5 - Biodiversity and Breeding
Pascual L., Xu J., Sauvage C., Bauchet G., Desplat N., Bouchet J.P., Brunel D., Lepaslier M.C., Causse M. Valorisation of the natural variation available in tomato accessions to decipher the genetic control of quantitative traits |
5.02 |
Sciacca F., Allegra M., Brambilla M., Licciardello S., Roccuzzo G., Romano E., Torrisi B., Virzì N., Intrigliolo F., Palumbo M. Mineral elements concentration in durum wheat Sicilian landraces and in improved varieties |
5.03 |
Kuzmanovic L., Gennaro A., Virili M.E., Dodd I., Benedettelli S., Quarrie S.A., Ceoloni C. Chomosomally engineered durum wheat-Thinopyrum ponticum recombinant lines: valuable tools for dissection of yield-contributing traits |
5.04 |
Ruggieri V., Sacco A., Francese G., D'Alessandro A., Rigano M.M., Parisi M., Milone M., Cardi T., Mennella G., Barone A. An association mapping approach to identify new alleles for tomato fruit quality breeding |
5.05 |
Paffetti D., Buonamici A., Travaglini D., Labriola M., Bottalico F., Fiorentini S., Materassi A., Vettori C. Potential hazard due to breeding between poplar cultivations and wild relatives in Mediterranean environment |
5.06 |
Panella L., Landucci F., Gigante D., Donnini D., Lucarini D., Venanzoni R., Torricelli R., Negri V. Crop wild relatives and wild harvested plants of Italy |
5.07 |
Marzario S., Gioia T., Logozzo G., Spagnoletti Zeuli P. Morphological, biochemical and molecular evaluation of Triticum durum Desf. germplasm |
5.08 |
Codianni P., Iannucci A. Phenotypic characterization of germplasm collections of three cereal species |
5.09 |
Laidò G., Mangini G., Taranto F., Gadaleta A., Blanco A., Cattivelli L., Marone D., Mastrangelo A.M., Papa R., De Vita P. Genetic diversity and population structure of tetraploid wheats (Triticum turgidum L.) estimated by SSR, DArT and pedigree data |
5.10 |
Ciancaleoni S., Torricelli R., Raggi L., Negri V. New broccoli synthetic varieties: performance and stability evaluation in organic and low-input conditions |
5.11 |
Ranieri E., Alsayaid N., Heslop-Harrison J.S., Falistocco E. Analysis of an EST-SSR to find the genome composition and candidate ancestors of saffron, the sterile triploid species Crocus sativus |
5.12 |
Busconi M., Sanchez R., Santaella M., Roldan M., Fernandez J.A. Molecular marker analysis of the genetic variability inside the species Crocus sativus L. |
5.13 |
Pecchioni N., Caffagni A., Laviano L., Mazzamurro V., Pasquariello M., Ronga D., Censi D., Pizzagalli S., Ziosi L., Inglese D. Biodiversity and improvement of zucchini for male flower production for the preparation of Mediterranean specialty foods |
5.14 |
Pilu R., Corno L., Cantaluppi E., Puglisi D., Landoni M., Cassani E., Lago C., Adani F. Arundo donax as energy crop: exploiting clonal selection |
5.15 |
Trebbi D., Valli F., D'Angelantonio M., Predieri S., Tuberosa R., Salvi S. Mutagenesis of the bioenergy species Arundo donax L. using gamma-ray and fast neutrons |
5.16 |
Gatto A., De Paola D., Morgese A., Rapanà N., Sonnante Gi., Bagnoli F., Vendramin G.G., Sonnante G. Genetic variation and population structure of Cynara cardunculus |
5.17 |
Rau D., Rodriguez M., Sale L., Rapposelli E., Papa R., Attene G. Spatial structure and fragmentation in wild cardoon in Sardinia, the ancestor of cultivated globe artichoke |
5.18 |
Logozzo G., Gioia T., Attene G., Benedettelli S., Negri V., Papa R., Spagnoletti Zeuli P. Introduction bottlenck and the contribute of Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools to common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) diversity in Europe |
5.19 |
Cerquetti B., Scaglione D., Fornasiero A., Bellucci E., Biagetti E., Bitocchi E., Natoli V., Cattonaro F., Papa R., Nanni L. Genomic resources for faba bean (Vicia faba L.) breeding by genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach |
5.21 |
Pacicco C.L., Bodesmo M., Torricelli R., Negri V. The first Italian inventory of in situ landraces: a tool to develop a conservation strategy |
5.22 |
Sacco A., Parisi M., Ruggieri V., Picarella M.E., Senatore A., Baldina S., Rigano M.M., Festa G., Pucci A., Mazzucato A., Barone A. Morphological characterization and genome-wide genotyping of a collection of tomato Italian landraces |
5.23 |
Tripodi P., Parisi M., Perrone D., Senatore A., Festa G., Cardi T. Genetic and phenotypic variability in a collection of “Friariello” pepper ecotypes |
5.24 |
Piergiovanni A.R., Lioi L. The common bean "Fagiolina Arsolana": a landrace cultivated at Arsoli (Valle Aniene, Lazio) |
5.25 |
Catarcione G., Paolacci A.R., Tanzarella O.A., Mercati F., Sunseri F., Capano S., Margaritelli L., Foppoli A., Ciaffi M. Genetic diversity and population structure of "Fagiolone" (Phaseolus coccineus L.), a landrace cultivated in the Regional Natural Park of Simbruini Mountains |
5.26 |
Lago C., Minazzato G., Raineri E., Atanassiu S., Maggioni N., Trovato R., Cassani E., Landoni M., Giorgi A., Pilu R. Preliminary characterization of cultivars of colored polenta maize |
5.27 |
Scarano D., Corrado G., Rao R. Study of molecolar diversity of tomato to protect a PDO label |
5.28 |
Bellucci E., Bitocchi E., Rau D., Nanni L., Ferradini N., Giardini A., Rodriguez M., Attene G., Papa R. Population structure of barley landrace population and gene-flow with modern varieties |
5.29 |
Murgia M.L., Rodriguez M., Brunu A., Loskutov I., Bellucci E., Nanni L., Papa R., Attene G., Rau D. From Vavilov to the 1990's: comparison between two collections of barley landraces |
5.30 |
Stagnati L., Emanuelli D., Busconi M., Ughini V. SSR biodiversity of old fruit tree accessions from Western Emilia |
5.31 |
Grasso F., Paduano A., Corrado G., Sacchi R., Rao R. Exploring genetic diversity in 20 olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties spread in Campania (Italy) and its relationship with the olive oil profile |
5.32 |
Bonavita S., Forgione I., Iaria D.L., Chiappetta A., Muzzalupo I. Use of microsatellites for germplasm management in an Italian olive collection |
5.33 |
Cambi M., Paffetti D., Vettori C., Marchi E. Forest logging influence on microbial communities composition in Mediterranean pine stand |
5.34 |
Giancaspro A., Giove S.L., Gadaleta A., Zacheo S.A., Ferrara G., Blanco A. Evaluation of genetic diversity in a collection of wild and domestic pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) genotypes |
5.35 |
Iasevoli F., Corrado G., Rao R. Recovery and preservation of Campanian apricot by SSR molecular characterization |
5.36 |
Parisi M., Minutolo M., Senatore A., Festa G., Tripodi P., Di Dato F., Alioto D., Cardi T. Source of resistance to a resistance-breaking strain of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Capsicum |
5.37 |
Piarulli L., Gadaleta A., Mangini G., Nigro D., Signorile M.A., Pasquini M., Blanco A., Simeone R. A collection of tetraploid wheats as a source of new alleles of the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm3 |
5.38 |
Forte P., Virili M.E., Kuzmanovic L., Gennaro A., Bitti A., Ceoloni C. Pyramiding resistance genes to Fusarium Head Blight and rusts from wild Thinopyrum species into cultivated wheats |
5.39 |
Torri A., Lanzanova C., Locatelli S., Berardo N., Redaelli R., Valoti P., Balconi C. Italian maize germplasm: resistance to Fusarium verticillioides ear rot and reduction in fumonisin accumulation |
5.40 |
Emanuelli F., Grossi D., Simone Di Lorenzo G.B., Lorenzi S., Brancadoro L., Failla O., Grando M.S., Scienza A. Studying the genetic basis of drought tolerance in grapevine rootstocks |
5.41 |
Stamigna C., Falcone G., Chiaretti E., Natoli V., Pruneddu G., Iannetta M., Giuliano G., Chiaretti D. Metabolomics-assisted breeding for low alkaloid content in Lupinus albus L. |
5.42 |
Brunazzi A., Francia E., Milc J.A., Pecchioni N., Bellotti M. Assembly and characterization of an elite common wheat germplasm collection for breeding purposes |
5.44 |
Taranto F., Mangini G., Delvecchio L.N., Pasqualone A., Blanco A. Relationship between PPO gene family and polyphenol oxidase activity in a tetraploid wheat collection |
5.45 |
Galassi E., Ciccoritti R., De Stefanis E., Sgrulletta D., Cacciatori P., Gazza L., Bozzini A., Pogna N.E. Agronomic and qualitative traits of perennial common wheat grown in Italy |
5.46 |
Ficco D.B.M., Platani C., De Simone V., Nigro F.M., Papa R., Finocchiaro F., Gianinetti A., De Vita P. Chemical composition and functional properties of pigmentated wheat as influenced by genotype and harvest year |
5.47 |
Borrelli G.M., Parisi B., Mandolino G., Trono D. Characterization of Solanum tuberosum, phureja and chacoense clones in relation to carotenoid content and lipoxygenase activity in mature tubers |
5.48 |
Perrini R., Riccardi P., Orasen G., Biselli C., Vattari A., Urso S., Desiderio F., Cavalluzzo D., Abbruscato P., Greco R., Cattivelli L., Piffanelli P., Valè G. Phenotyping of agronomically relevant traits in a large collection of rice accessions under different water management conditions for association mapping studies |
5.49 |
Grzeskowiak L., Costantini L. Lorenzi S., Grando M.S. Signatures of selection in the grapevine flowering gene network |
5.50 |
Vaccino P., Laino P., Ormoli L., Tondelli A., Perenzin M. A new resource for association mapping in bread wheat: genetic diversity and population strucuture of an Italian collection |
5.51 |
Maccaferri M., Salvi S., Ricci A., Canè M.A., Vendramin V., Cattonaro F., Morgante M., Mantovani P., Massi A., Cattivelli L., Desiderio F., Papa R., Mastrangelo A., Blanco A., Gadaleta A., Pozniak C., Clarke J., Ammar K., Fahima T., Korol A., Dubcovsky J., Dvorak J., Xu S., Akhunov E., Tuberosa R. Towards a consensus map of durum wheat based on the wheat Illumina iSelect 90k for SNP mapping and QTL analysis |
5.52 |
De Vita P., Laidò G., Marone D., Mastrangelo A.M., Papa R. Linkage disequilibrium and association mapping in tetraploid wheat |