Congressi SIGA

- Book of abstract
- Scientific Programme
- Session I - Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
- Lecture Monsanto "Maria Rita Mogno"
- Session II – Integrating genomics and phenomics
- Session III – Plant reproductive systems
- Session IV – Plant-environment interactions
- Session V – From model plants to crops
- Session VI – Genomics and breeding of cereals
- Session VII - Genetics and Breeding
- Symposium on "DNA coding or not coding: that is the question!"
- Authors Index
- Keywords Index
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![]() CNR - Istituto di Genetica
Vegetale - Bari |
![]() Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali |
![]() Ministero dell'Istruzione Università e Ricerca |
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Session IV – Plant-environment interactions
Skirycz A., Claeys H., Inzé D. - More from less – Plant growth under limited water |
4.02 | Conti L., Galbiati M., Tonelli C. - OTS SUMO protease links plant development and salt stress responses |
4.03 | Sessa G., Ciolfi A., Possenti M., Salvucci S., Carabelli M., Morelli G., Ruberti I. - Regulatory networks in shade avoidance response |
4.04 | Fasano R., Ruggiero P., Vaccaro M.C., Docimo T., Grillo S., Leone A. - The UVR8 gene orchestrates phenotypic plasticity of Arabidopsis thaliana plants under environmental stress |
4.05 | Spanò R., Mascia T., Gallitelli D. - Viral misadventures during movement in grafted vegetables: an alternative way to produce virus-resistant crops |
4.06 | Facella P., Daddiego L., Giuliano G., Perrotta G. - Cryptochromes modulate hormone-photoreceptor cross-talk in tomato |
4.07 | Calvenzani V., Lazzeri V., Tonelli C., Ranieri A., Petroni K. - Carotenoid profiling and biosynthetic gene expression in flesh and peel of tomato fruit under UV-B depletion |
4.08 | Mazzeo M.F., Cacace G., Massarelli I., Leone A., Grillo S., Siciliano R.A. - Proteomics for the elucidation of heat stress response mechanisms in anthers of tomato plants |
4.09 | Altana A., Stevanato P., Tononi P., Michelotti V., Ferrarini A., Cacco G., Rossi V. - Analysis of the mRNA and miRNA maize root transcriptome during sulphate starvation and cold stress |
4.10 | Pacifico D., Onofri C., Valentini M., Casciani L., Mandolino G., Moliterni V.M.C. - Transcriptomic and metabolomic characterization of Beta vulgaris cold response |
4.11 | Laura M., Consonni R., Locatelli F., Fumagalli E., Allavena A., Coraggio I., Mattana M. - Metabolic response to cold and freezing of Osteospermum ecklonis overexpressing Osmyb4 |
4.12 | Santarcangelo M., Carbone F., Facella P., Martelli G., Milella L., Perrotta G. - Comparative profiling of transcriptome in everbearing and SD wild strawberry genotypes |
4.13 | Pace R., Marconi G., Raggi L., Guiducci M., Falcinelli M., Benincasa P., Albertini E. - Analysis of DNA methylation in rapeseed (Brassica napus var. oleifera Del.) under salt stress based on methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism |
4.14 | De Paola D., Catalano D., Felice N., Cattonaro F., Pignone D., Sonnante G. - Discovery and differential expression of artichoke microRNAs in response to salt stress |
4.15 | Greco R., Casella L., Bruschi G., Cavigiolo S., Lupotto E., Manuello D., Borgo L., Gironi R., Schluepmann H., Ouwerkerk P.B.F., Piffanelli P. - DRYRICE: development of drought-tolerant rice varieties for a sustainable rice production in Italy |
4.16 | Mondini L., Nachit M.M., Porceddu E., Pagnotta M.A. - Identification and characterization of SNPs mutations in genes involved in drought and salt tolerance of durum wheat by HRM technology |
4.17 | Vastarelli P., Pacifico D., Mandolino G. - Gene expression and metabolic profiling in Beta vulgaris cultivated and wild species |
4.18 | Rivera Ortiz L.M., Palermo C., Centonze C., Lafiandra D., Flagella Z., Masci S. - Effect of drought stress on the expression of metabolic proteins in developing grains of durum wheat |
4.19 | Greco B., De Stefano R., Di Matteo A., Lombardi N., Guida G., Barone A. - Drought response in tomato: molecular and physiological analysis |
4.20 | Di Matteo A., Vasco M., De Stefano R., Trotta N., Lotti C., Ricciardi L., Barone A. - Transcriptomic analysis of high quality fruit from an introgression line tolerant to water deficit |
4.21 | Lotti C., Grillo S., Marcotrigiano A.R., Miacola C., Schiavulli A., Pavan S., Zonno V., Ricciardi L. - Analysis of molecular variations induced in tomato genotypes by water deficit |
4.22 | Cirilli M., Bellincontro A., Nicoletti I., Mencarelli F., Colao M.C., Muleo R. - Temperature and water loss differently affect gene expression in grape berry cv “Aleatico” during post-harvest dehydration |
4.23 | Riboni M., Conti L., Galbiati M., Tonelli C. - Molecular and physiological analysis of the drought-induced flowering response |
4.24 | Pallara G., Giovannelli A., Traversi M.L., Racchi M.L. - Effect of water deficit on expression of stress related genes in cambial zone of two contrasting poplar clones |
4.25 | Iannacone R., Taddonio G., Petrozza A., Quinto R., Planas J., Zarza X., Bortolotti C., Tiburcio A.F., Altabella T., Cellini F. - Effect of putrescine accumulation in plant response to abiotic stress |
4.26 | Finetti-Sialer M.M., Curci P.L., Pignone D., Sonnante G. - Cloning and analysis of artichoke NBS-LRR resistance gene homologues |
4.27 | Baldoni E., Mattana M., Locatelli F., Picchi V., Consonni R., Genga A. - Screening of Italian rice cultivars for the expression of myb and WRKY genes under abiotic and biotic stresses |
4.28 | Michelotti A., Battaglia R., Rossi V. - The maize chromatin remodeling gene nfc102 regulates transposon transcription |
4.29 | Albertini A., Carafa I., Cominelli E., Galbiati M., Tonelli C. - Different approaches toward the identification of putative targets of the Arabidopsis guard cell-specific transcription factor AtMYB60 |
4.30 | Alba V., Montemurro C., Sabetta W., Turi M., Ravaglia S., Troccoli A., Colecchia S.A., Bisignano V., Polignano G.B., Alba E., Blanco A. - Similarity patterns and stability of environmental response in a set of sunflower hybrids |
4.31 | Vannozzi A., Boss P.K., Walker A.R., Lucchin M., Dry I.B. - Role of VvMYB14, a novel R2R3 MYB factor, in biotic and abiotic stress response and in the regulation of stilbene biosynthesis in grapevine |
4.32 | Forestan C., Battaglia R., Engledon S., Rossi V., Gutierrez-Marcos J., Weigel D., Varotto S. - Exploring environmental stress-induced epiallele formation and inheritance in Zea mays |
4.33 | Tatino F., Palomba F., Chiaiese P., Filippone E. - Transgenic tobacco plants expressing poxA1b gene are able to reduce olive-oil mill wastewater phenols content |
4.34 | Brunetti P., De Paolis A., Zanella L., Proia A., Falasca G., Altamura M.M., Sanità Di Toppi L., Costantino P., Cardarelli M. - The role of phytochelatin overproduction in Cd tolerance of Arabidopsis and tobacco plants |
4.35 | Iannelli M.A., Frugis G., Iafrate S. - Improving genetic transformation protocols of Lemna minor, involved in phytoremediation applications |
4.36 | Giacomelli L., Nanni V., Silverstein K., Town C., Zanetti M., Lenzi L., Baraldi E., Dalla Serra M., Moser C. - The defensin-like gene family of grapevine |
4.37 | Ferriello F., Carli P., Mazzeo M.F., Cacace G., Siciliano R.A., Puopolo G., Zoina A., Ercolano M.R. - Combinated transcriptomic and proteomic approach to identify genes and proteins involved in forl disease response in tomato |
4.38 | De Masi L., Ruocco M., De Palma M., Lorito M., Tucci M. - Investigating the role of the plant in the interaction with the facultative symbiont Trichoderma spp. |
4.39 | Beretta M., Sala T., Sabatini E. - Nematode tolerance in lettuce and its relationship with aphids resistance |
4.40 | Alagna F., Kallenbach M., Pandolfi S., Sacchetti P., Belcari A., Rao R., Baldwin I.T., Bonaventure G., Baldoni L. - Olive fruits attacked by Bactrocera oleae revealed different profiles of phytohormones, volatiles and defence related transcripts |
4.41 | Coppola V., Corrado G., Buonomo T., Digilio M.C., Renzone G., D’Ambrosio C., Scaloni A., Rocco M., Martinelli R., Rao R. - Study of molecular bases of plant-aphid interaction |
4.42 | Coppola M., Corrado G., Buonomo T., Ruocco M., Digilio M.C., Martinelli R., Rao R. - Study of molecular basis of prosystemin involvement in tomato responses to aphids and fungi |
4.43 | Bizzarri M., Pasquini M., Nocente F., Sereni L., Matere A., Vittori D., Vida G., De Pace C. - Multiple resistance to powdery mildew, leaf rust and stem rust in wheat conferred by genes on chromosome 6V introgressed from Dasypyrum villosum |
4.44 | Kalunke R., Janni M., Palombieri S., Giorgi D., Grosso V., Lucretti S., D’Ovidio R. - Germin-like protein genes from homoeologous group 5 chromosomes in wheat |
4.45 | Rocchi R., Janni M., Kalunke R., Castiglioni C., Favaron F., Bellincampi D., Giardina T., D’Ovidio R. - Identification and functional analysis of pectin methylesterase inhibitor (Pmei)
genes in wheat |
4.46 | Janni M., Bozzini T., Lupi R., Masci S., D’Ovidio R. - The wheat polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein genes Tapgip1 and Tapgip2 are up-regulated by fungal infection and strongly induced in response to mechanical wounding |
4.47 | Laino P., Janni M., Di Carli M.S., Benvenuto E., Lilley K., Lafiandra D., D’Ovidio R., Masci S. - Proteomic analysis of transgenic bread wheat kernels following Fusarium graminearum infection |
4.48 | Lanzanova C., Hartings H., Berardo N., Motto M., Balconi C. - BIORES Project: use of maize RIP b-32 as bioactive protein in plant protection against pathogens |
4.49 | Bernardo L., Negri A.S., Prinsi B., Biselli C., Urso S., Espen L., Valé G., Moliterni V.M.C. - Proteomics study of resistance of barley to leaf rust mediated by Rph15 gene |
4.50 | Ciriaci T., Pulcini L., Felicioni N., Fusari F., Sabatini E., Acciarri N. - New molecular markers for assisted introgression of viral and fungal disease resistance in tomato Italian cultivars |
4.51 | Valente M.T., Infantino A., Aragona M. - Expression and functional analysis of a fungal cell wall degrading enzyme in tomato-Pyrenochaeta lycopersici pathosystem |
4.52 | Sala T., Beretta M., Sabatini E., Ciriaci T., Acciarri N., Valentino D., Tamietti G. - Identification and characterization of markers linked to Verticillium dahliae (race 2) resistance genes in tomato |
4.53 | Sacco A., Vitale S., Iorizzo M., D'Agostino N., Di Matteo A., Chiusano M.L., Barone A. - Characterization of an EST collection from potato genotypes resistant and susceptible to Ralstonia solanacearum |
4.54 | Barbierato V., Rinaldi P., Caponetto G., Rotino G.L., Toppino L. - Housekeeping gene selection using an external control for RT-PCR analysis of differentially expressed genes in eggplant roots during fungal inoculations |
4.55 | Cova V., Lasserre P., Velasco R., Durel C.E., Malnoy M. - High-resolution genetic map of the Rvi1 (Vg) apple scab resistance locus |
4.56 | Zini E., Pindo M., Velasco R., Salvi S., Malnoy M. - Identification of QTL for Alternaria blotch resistance in a Malus cross |
4.57 | Urso S., Zottini M., Ruberti C., Lo Schiavo F., Biselli C., Valè G. - Establishment of an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-based transient transformation system for functional genomics studies in grape leaves through gene silencing |
4.58 | Santovito E., Mascia T., Gallitelli D. - Unravelling the mechanism(s) of Artichoke Italian latent virus entry in plant meristems |
4.59 | Cillo F., Zamboni A., Mascia T., Tulipano A., Ferrarini A., Delledonne M., Gisel A., Polverari A., Gallitelli D. - Different combinations of Cucumber Mosaic Virus and its satellite RNAs show common and differential effects on tomato transcriptome and host biological processes |