Proceedings of the XLVII Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics - SIGA Annual Congress

Verona, Italy - 24/27 September, 2003

ISBN 88-900622-4-X


Poster Abstract - 2.60


AFLP and ISSR markers utilized in the assessment of genetic variation in Italian Artichoke


N.A. Rey Muñoz**, M.A. Pagnotta*, M.T. Cardarelli**, M. Tucci***, F. Saccardo**


*) Department of Agrobiology and Agrochemistry, Tuscia University, Via S.C. de Lellis, 01100 Viterbo, Italy

**) Department of Crop Production, Tuscia University, Via S.C. de Lellis, 01100 Viterbo, Italy

***) CNR -Institute of Plant Genetics - section Portici, Via Università 133, 80055 Portici (Na), Italy



AFLP, ISSR, landraces, Cynara cardunculus, germplasm


Thirty genotypes of Artichoke landraces of “Romanesco” type have been collected from each of three farms located in Latina province (south of Rome), and thirty genotype from three farmers located in Salerno province in order to assess the genetic variation existing between and within each population. Two different kind of molecular markers, AFLPs and ISSRs, have been used. Fifty bands have been scored for primer combination MseAC-PstCT, 93 bands for primer combination MseTT-PstCA, and 48 for primer combination MseGC-PstAC, while 44 bands have been scored for primer 841 and 7 bands for primer 856. A total of 191 bands have been considered for AFLPs and 51 for ISSRs markers.


The results underlying the presence of a large amount of variation within population (in this case was considered a population constituted by the plants collected from the same farm), ranging from 73% to 85% of the total variation, in relation with the kind of marker used; the differences between plants from different farm, as a consequence, account for only 27 to 15% of the total variation. A similar distribution of the total variation within and between populations has been found by other authors utilizing RAPDs (Lanteri et al. 2001). The polymorphism, utilizing a polymorphism criteria of 95%, was about 77%. This is on averaged higher than the polymorphism found, utilizing RAPDs markers, by Lanteri et al. (2001) on artichoke from Sardinia and by Sonnante et al. (2002) on 32 artichoke cultivars. It is interesting to note that the polymorphism is the different populations is not consistent if AFLPs markers or ISSRs markers were used. Probably, the two kinds of markers used explore different genome regions with different similarity and/or differences between genotypes. The expected heterozygosity (He) could range from 0 to 0.5 and gives an indication if a polymorphic locus has an about equal presence of both alleles (i.e. He close to 0.5) or has an allele very common and the other very rare (i.e. He close to 0). In present study the He indicates that generally the high polymorphism reviled is determined by locus with a good presence of both alleles, hence the variability present within the farmers is definitively high.


The Nei genetic distances between the studied populations are not very high, since there is a high variation existing within population. But, again, the results are lightly different if different markers are considered in the analysis computation.


The present study demonstrates the existence of great variation within farms which still utilized their own landraces. Hence there is material to be conserved; but, the difficulties to found farm that utilize landraces underlay the necessity to conserve the artichoke germplasm and the risk caused by the utilization of a single clone on a huge number of farmers.



The work has been sponsored by CNR Scrigno project.

The authors would like to thank Linda Mondini for her help during some phases of the analysis.