Proceedings of the XLV Italian Society of
Agricultural Genetics - SIGA Annual Congress Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy
- 26/29 September, 2001 ISBN 88-900622-1-5 Oral Communication
Trentacoste 2, 20134 Milano, Italy The application to farm animals of methods for
assisted reproduction and genetic modification has been constantly
progressing in recent years. This presentation will summarise these methods
and their application to various aspects of animal production. Particular
emphasis will be given to the most recent and promising developments. In vitro production of embryos (IVP) is the base
for all the other methods aiming at manipulating reproduction or modificating
the genome of these species. Oocyte maturation, fertilization and
pre-implantation development in vitro, initially limited mainly to ruminants,
can now be achieved also in pigs, horses and carnivores, though with
different degrees of efficiency.
IVP together with cryopreservation and ultrasound-guided follicle
aspiration can be applied to breeding schemes for improving selection intensity
and efficiency. The easy access to a large number of zygotes at a
reasonable cost, provided by IVP, has been used for inserting transgenes in
the genome of ruminants and pigs.
However the very low efficicency of all available methods still limits
severly any attempt of commercial exploitation. For this reason the
develoment of an easy and efficient system for inserting exogenous genes in
farm animals is a prime research goal. To this pourpose the use of
spermatozoa as transgene vectors has been extensively investigated with
alternate results that recently seem to become promising. Originally developed in farm animals, cloning has
rapidly become the most applied method for manipulating the genome of these
species. Its efficiency, initially as low as that of trasgenesis, is slowly
but steadily increasing, though no real progress have so far been done in our
understanding of the mechanisms that regulate nuclear reprogramming.
Applications of cloning ranges from the propagation of prized livestock to the
production of trangenic animals; from the preservation of endangered species
to the generation of stem cells for tissue transplantation and/or gene
therapy. Undoubtedly, many more applications and
benefits are yet to be imagined. In order to be able to achieve all the
potential benefits that reproductive biotechnologies hold for us it is
necessary to understand the mechanisms that regulate early embryonic
development. In our laboratory we have characterized
cloned and sequenced the bovine homologue of the gene Oct-4 a transcription
factor belonging to the POU family. Its expression, in mouse, is restricted
to totipotent and pluripotent cell lineages therefore it was an interesting
candidate marker for characterizing putative stem cells and monitoring nuclear
reprogramming. Results indicated that bovine Oct-4 has a specific expression
profile in bovine and pig pre-implantation embryos that is different from
mouse. However Oct-4 expression pattern was identical between in vitro
generated embryos and embryos generated by transplantation of a granulosa
cell nucleus in an enucleated bovine oocyte. Beside the analysis of single genes we
have also studied the molecular mechanisms of the oocyte competence to be
fertilized and sustain embryonic development. Our work indicated that
maternal mRNA stored in the ooplasm plays an important role. Molecules of
mRNA are synthetised during oogenesis in order to be utilised during the
first cleavages before the embryonic genome is activated and endogenous
transcription begins. In cattle the maternal to embryonic transition takes
place after the third cleavge, and maternal mRNA transcription is regulated
by the extension of the poly(A) tail at the 3’ end. We demonstrated
that any event with a negative impact on oocyte developmental competence has
also the capability to alter the polyadenylation level of some maternal RNA
molecules. |